1. Not everyone in your life has to be there
Some people don't bring you higher and don't make you lighter, and you don't have to keep them around. You'll realize that despite all of the people who leave, there will be an overwhelming amount who choose to stay. Let them.
2. Write things down
Write things down, important things that you don't want to forget. Write down all of the things that bother you, and close them in a book and make them stay there. Write about the best moments in your life, so that you can look back and recall every detail. Write about what you see, what you do, and mostly, the people who surround you in both.
3. Friday nights are yours
Sometimes you might want to get dressed up and go dancing with your friends. Sometimes you might want to sit on the couch with a blanket and popcorn and watch a season of Friends. There's no way to do Friday nights, live how you feel.
4. Tell people how you feel
Tell people how you feel, when you feel it. If you love someone, tell them that you love them. Tell them every day. Sometimes the fear of putting yourself out there is too great. But sometimes, it's also something else: worth it.
5. Go places
Travel places. Don't stay in one place; we weren't;t meant to. And don't travel for the pictures and statuses, travel for the places. Travel for the feelings: feelings of peace, content, and amazement at what the world has to offer. Go get rich in a way that money will never amount to.
6. Timing means something
Timing is important. Sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time. Sometimes it's the right time, but the wrong person. But when it's real, the timing is going to be there. Real waits. And maybe you'll find that sometimes, we have to make our own time.
7. Keep that friend that never quits on you
That friend who is there for you on your highest mountains and lowest valleys? Keep them. Hold them close. It's not easy to find someone who will stay in the darkness just as much as the light. This person is forever.
8. It's okay to feel
It's okay to be happy, to love your life. It's okay to feel sad and broken, as long as you don't go back to what broke you. It's okay to feel life, to feel for other people. It's okay to cry when someone hurts your friend. It's okay for your heart to hurt for someone who has changed. Feel, and don't let anyone tell you that you can't.
9. Home isn't a place
Home isn't your childhood bedroom or your new apartment or anything in-between. Home will never be walls; it will always be heartbeats. Home will always be the people who make you feel loved. It's okay to have more than one home.
10. Be nice to everyone
Be nice to people that you care about. Be nice to people that you don't like. But most importantly, be nice to people you don't know. For as many demons as you have, someone else has their own. And the thing is, you never really know what they are.