Let me start by saying I love UD. And if you aren't from UD, you need to know that people love UD, like seriously loveeee it. And with any loving relationship, there will always be bumps in the road. There are a million and one things I could say about all the wonderful things I missed about my school over the summer, but my sarcastic self decided to focus more on the annoying quirks instead. Because, let's face it, UD students love complaining.
1. UD Secure
Or old faithful, as I call her.
2. All the bodies at the RecPlex
Like go away and let me sweat in peace and without judgement.
3. Up the Orgs on the hottest day of the year
Why does this day defy all acts of nature and always end up being the sunniest, hottest day of the year? Nothing says join my organization like skin cancer and pit stains.
4. Fines
For everything. A random can in your yard? Fined. Forgot to take your trash back from the curb? Fined. House wasn't clean enough at the end of the year? Fined.
5. The $210 dollar parking pass
Because the University needs money to repave every parking lot except the one you are using.
6. The lines at the Runway
I just want my dang KU sandwich at a reasonable hour of the day. Is that too much to ask?
7.The walk up Stuart hill
Each year the climb seems steeper and longer.
8. Fire alarms
In your dorms, in your apartments, (if you have my luck) in your house. You can't escape the blaring drills that happen twice a semester.
9. Resetting your Porches password
It wouldn't be a big deal if we didn't have to do it 52 million times, and always on the most inconvenient day like right before finals. And if it didn't shatter your whole world after you change it, while you manually renter it into every site and the wifi. Also why are the requirements so complicated? My password is like cracking Da Vinci's code with all the random weird requirements it has me follow: one number, one symbol, one uppercase, the last four digits of your social security, the name of your childhood pet, etc.
10. Tuition.
Because $52,000 dollars a year ain't no thang, right?