These Are 10 Of The Weirdest, But Coolest, College Majors | The Odyssey Online
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These Are 10 Of The Weirdest, But Coolest, College Majors

College is what you make it. So pick your major wisely.

These Are 10 Of The Weirdest, But Coolest, College Majors
Griffin Black

No matter your passion, whether it’s finance, engineering, political science, or classical studies, follow that passion. If your passion doesn’t fall into a particular box, chances are you’ll find something unusual to suit your taste for peculiarity.

Below is a list of interesting (and real) majors that can help you discover your passion, should you find yourself bored with the typical options.

1. Adventure Education

Tired of indoor classes and constant lecturing? Ready for 4 years of wilderness expedition, ropes courses, whitewater kayaking, mountaineering, backpacking, and winter camping? Then the BS in Adventure Education offered at Plymouth University is the perfect major for you!

Course Examples: Canoe Paddling Fundamentals, Immersion Wilderness Expedition

2. Bagpiping

At Carnegie Mellon, you can earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in any instrument, including Bagpiping!

Course Examples: History of Bagpipes, Bagpipe Studios

3. Diving Business and Technology

If the UF Scuba Diving course wasn’t enough for you, spend a summer earning your AAS in Diving Business and Technology at the Florida Keys Community College!

Course Examples: Underwater Photography, Aquatic First Aid, Basic Seamanship

4. Nannying

If you love kids, then Sullivan University offers the ideal major for you. The Professional Nanny Program has trained and placed nannies since 1989, teaching them handy skills such as preparing food, etiquette and manners, and planning learning opportunities for growing children.

Course Examples: Infant Care, The Growing Child, Safety and Nutrition

5. Puppet Arts

At University of Connecticut, the School of Fine Arts takes artistic performance to the next level. As a Puppetry major, students have the opportunity to create their own puppet productions and tour across the country in museums and other universities. Who knows? Maybe the puppet performances will come to UF! Here is a link to get a better idea of the UConn Puppet Program:

Course Examples: World Puppet Theatre, Trends in Contemporary American Puppet Theatre

6. Surf Science and Technology

Fly over to Cornwall College in the UK, and learn how to be an awesome surfer.

Course Examples: Ecology and Management of the Coastal Environment, Surf Business, Application of Computer Aided Design in the Surf Industry

7. Turfgrass Science

With a vast alumni network across the United States and career opportunities ranging from golf course maintenance to sod production, Penn State’s B.S. in Turfgrass Science prepares students for a variety of professional interests and educational needs.

Course Examples: Weed Science, Plant Pathology

8. Fermentation Sciences

Why buy alcohol when you can make it? Appalachian State University offers a unique B.S. in Fermentation Science, providing a competitive background in wine and brewing sciences, chemistry, and business development. To get a better idea of ASU’s Fermentation Science Major, watch this:

Course Examples: Social Implications of Fermented Beverages, Sensory Analysis of Wine and Beer

9. Beatles Historian

Standard majors “Can’t Buy Me Love”, but studying Beatles History can! The Liverpool Hope University offers a Masters of Arts in The Beatles, Popular Music, and Society, where students can analyze the role of music in the construction of regional identities, as well as concepts of aesthetics and performance.

Courses Include: Musicology and the Beatles, Topics in History: Liverpool

10. Mortuary Science

University of Minnesota’s Mortuary Science program teaches students how to combine behavioral, physical, and applied science as funeral service professionals.

Course Examples: Discusses embalming and physical processes in the body after death; discusses coping with loss

As Oprah said, “Passion is Energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” Don’t let normalcy tie you down. Follow your dreams, as peculiar as they may seem. Maybe these unique majors gave you some ideas.

I, for one, hope to someday become a professional Bagpipe Player and live the rest of my days in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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