Earlier this month, my RA distributed paper cut-out leaves amongst the residents in my hallway. We were instructed to write down what we are thankful for, then to staple it to the tree on the bulletin board. As I looked at this leaf, I realized we all have so much more to be thankful for than what would fit on these paper leaves. I composed a list of not everything I have to be thankful for, but the ten most important to me.
1. The Food
This is more than just having a family full of great cooks or being able to eat my number one favorite food (potatoes). I’m thankful to have food on my plate at all and understand not everyone is as fortunate.
2. The Opportunity to be in School
Growing up many kids do not want to go to school or like to go to school. As a college student, that perspective shifts a bit. To get a good paying job you enjoy, you must have a degree. To get a degree, you must have the money to go to a higher education institution. I am only able to follow my dreams thanks to the overwhelming support both emotionally and financially of my parents, and for that I am thankful.
3. A Break from Classes
As much as I love the opportunity to get an education, college life can be super stressful. It is exceptionally stressful when you have been fighting for weeks for 3% in a class (yes, I need a 73% to pass, but have had a 70% since like week 2).
4. Friends
I’ll miss my friends from college as I travel home from break, but I’ll be even closer to some I have not seen in a while. I have friends from my hometown who are as spread apart as Idaho for school, but we always find our ways back to each other. I am thankful to have such a supportive, amazing group of people to call my friends.
5. A Home
In addition to being thankful for having a roof over my head and heat to keep me warm, I am thankful to have a home. A home is more than a house, it is the place in our hearts where we are most comfortable. Sure I have a place in the dorms, but it will never compare to the home I get to go back to over break where I grew up.
6. Almost Christmas
After thanksgiving comes my favorite holiday. Beautiful lights strung everywhere, music and laughter, and relaxing with hot chocolate and popcorn in front of a movie/fireplace. Nothing beats the feeling of Christmas.
7. My Health
Although the past few weeks have been rough with allergies and infections, my health is overall pretty good. It is a blessing to be able to walk, see, hear, etc.
8. The Weather
Whether or not (pardon the pun), you prefer snowy winters or warm summers, November weather is not so bad. For our summer folks such as myself, it is exciting because there is no snow yet. And for winter folks, it is not too hot.
9. Sleep
Something very rare during the college semester, break is the perfect time to catch up on all that missed sleep.