10 Things I Haven't Thanked My Mom For | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things I Haven't Thanked My Mom For

Since we both know this is long overdue.

10 Things I Haven't Thanked My Mom For
Linnea Martin

Dear Mom,

Or should I say Supermom? Let's see, you've given birth to me, changed me, fed me, clothed me, and loved me. And we both know it wasn't easy (I'm especially sorry for those bloody teenage years). For the past 19 years you've done so much for me, but there are a few things I have yet to thank you for...

1. Thank you for Not Giving Me Everything I Wanted

No matter how many times I claimed to “hate” you for not buying me those $50 pair of shorts that barely covered my rear end, or that brand new phone that I just HAD to have, you beautifully showed me that needs come before wants. Because you didn’t hand me whatever I wanted, as an adult I am able to recognize hard work and earning these “wants” and I no longer have to struggle for what I need.

2. For Teaching Me To Never Rely On a Man When I Can Provide For Myself

Whether you were dropping me off at Kindergarten or my college move in day, I still remember our motto: "Books not boys." I've never had to worry about "marrying up" or "hoping my husband is a doctor." Instead you encouraged me to change the stereotypes placed on women in our society, and taught me the importance of providing for myself and staying focused on my dreams rather than depending on someone else to hand them to me.

3. For Always Doing The "Little" Things I Overlooked

Growing up, I never really realize just how much you had to accomplish as a mother, wife, employee, and (at times) student. As I college student myself, with my own dorm and responsibilities two hours away from home, I appreciate this so much more. Not only did you find the time to socialize, love and care for two children, but you always made sure dinner was prepped, the clothes were in the laundry (and somehow magically folded in the living room), the dishes were washed and the house was clean. I hate doing ALL of those things now that I'm grown, but now I'm able to look back and see how you did all of the "little" things I overlooked and never once complained.

4. For Showing Me The Importance of Family

No matter what situation we’ve been through, the good and bad, family was always first. Even when you only had a couple of dollars left in your bank account, you always made sure you provided for your family, your children, with food on the table, clothes on our backs and a bed to sleep in at night. You showed me the importance of loving, forgiving and sacrificing for family because at the end of the day, we are all we truly have. Our tribe, our backbone, and our biggest encouragers.

5. For Always Believing in My Dreams

No matter how high the odds have been stacked against me, or if there was an audience of people telling me I couldn’t do something, all I’ve had to do was look toward you for reassurance because you have always believed in me. Whether it was gathering dozens of scholarship forms for me to apply for so I could go to college, being on my tail to get my homework AND extra credit done on time to keep my grades up, or searching consignment stores to make sure I had the right clothes for my latest interview, you have always went above and beyond to help me achieve my dreams.

6. For Teaching Me That Beauty Is a State Of Mind; Not a State of Appearance

At 12 years old I couldn't understand why you wouldn't let me cake my face with liquid foundations or paint my eyes and lips in bright colors like the rest of my peers. At the time I thought you were just being over controlling, but with that tiny lesson you were teaching me so much more. I didn't need to be caked in makeup or have my hair perfect every single day to be beautiful. Beauty didn't come from my brand of mascara or shade of lipstick, you taught me that it came from within myself; In how I treated those around me, how I carried myself, and to have joy in my heart.

7. For Always Being a Phone Call Away

No matter how many miles away I may be, what time of the night it is, or how busy you are, you always answer when I call. Whether it's be venting about whatever evils the day may have brought, or if I burnt my mac and cheese again and don't know how clean my microwave, or just wondering what you guys are up to at home, you're always a comforting voice on the other side of that line that makes everything alright again.

8. For Not Always Being My Best Friend

I know this one long over due. Even when I called you a dictator for not letting me go out on a school night, or pitching a fit when wouldn't let me date that boy because you knew his true intentions, you always knew what was best for me, even when I didn't want to agree with you. Rather than letting me do whatever I wanted so that I would "like" you, or so that we would get along all of the time, you did what was best for me.

9. For Always Loving Me, Even When I Didn't Appreciate You.

As we both know, I haven't always put you first. Even when you made me your number one priority, I often was distracted by boys, or friends or my rush to adult hood. I'm sorry to say that at times I didn't appreciate everything you did for me and often found myself with my hand out asking for "more, more, more." Even when I did so, you never asked for my appreciation. You kept being incredibly you, loving me unconditionally no matter my actions. For that I am incredibly blessed.

10. For Showing Me The Type of Mother I Want to Be

As I write this, I know I could list so much more than 10 things to thank you for. You're selfless, kind, loving, strong and radiant. You've always placed your children first and have always went above and beyond for us. And I aspire to be the type of mother you are, someday. A mother who raises her children to place compassion for others before self gain. A mother who raises her children to value their intelligence before their physical appearance. A mother who teaches her children to work hard for what they have and not expect anything from anyone. A mother who raises her children to know that happiness and joy comes from within, not from the material things of this world. You've placed the bar so high, but one day I hope to be that for my son or daughter.

And, hey, if I can't be quite as amazing as you... at least they'll have have a rockin' MiMi.

"You're My Favorite."

Love Always, your thankful daughter.

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