1. Thank you for being you and allowing me to be me.
You’ve always told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be. Regardless of my child-like ideas, you’ve been behind me 110 percent. (Even if i just wanted to be a mermaid.)
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2. Thank you for being there for me at my best.
Whether it was one of my soccer games, volleyball matches or golf tournaments, you always let me know how proud you were of me. You congratulated me in everything I did, even if I didn't do well.
3. Thank you for being there for me at my lows.
The amount of times I have come to you in tears is at least in the hundreds, but never once did you turn me away. You picked me up off the ground, gave me a big hug and always left me with something to be thankful for.
4. Thank you for giving me your humor.
You know how important laughter is to me, and you never cease to tell me a good joke. Whether it’s a text when I’m in the middle of my high school graduation ceremony or a call at 2 a.m. because you’re working the night shift. A funny story never goes unappreciated.
5. Thank you for being the only person I can truly confide in.
I can tell you my biggest secrets and know that it stays between us. It is so important to have someone that you can come to with anything.
6. Thank you for always teaching me that happiness is found within yourself.
We will never be satisfied if we look for happiness in other people. You always told me that you can’t be happy with anything else, unless you are truly happy with yourself.
7. Thank you for teaching me how important it is to put others first.
You always put others before yourself. It is by far one of my favorite qualities about you. Whether you are sleeping or in the middle of taking care of a patient, you always made sure that you made me a priority when I needed you.
8. Thank you for loving me fiercely without hesitation.
Even if we’re in a fight, you never left without telling me that you loved me.
9. Thank you for never letting me quit.
College is hard. There have been times where I don’t want to push on. You made me. You pushed me to finish because that is the type of people we are. We’re in it for the long haul and we don’t give up on things we’re committed too.
And finally,
10. Thank you for giving me the world.
The unthinkable happened and my world felt like it was falling apart two years ago, but you strived to make it work. Even though you left, you did everything in your power to still provide strength and love to hold on too.
I know I don’t say it enough, but thank you. These are just 10 reasons why I’m thankful for you, but we all know I could write a book about it. You love me when I least deserve it and support me without me knowing. At an early age, you provided for me. I know no matter how old you get, I can always count on you to be in my corner.