I never thought I would say this, but I have SO MUCH to thank my little sister. A little overdue from National Siblings Day back in April, but hey, who said we only have ONE day to celebrate the greatness that our siblings have brought to us? So here goes, a big shout out to my 19-year old sister who has not only been a source of inspiration to me every day, but also graced the world with her kind heart and intelligence.
1. Thank you for notifying online deals so I can continue to spend more money on clothes.
2. Thank you for lending me your clothes when I don't feel like wearing my own.
3. Thank you for giving me more confidence every time we finish a deep conversation.
4. Thank you for finishing my drinks for me because I'm a super lightweight.
5. Thank you for always proofreading my cover letters even though you always ask a bunch of questions before you agree to do it.
6. Thank you for being the only one to understand why I make certain decisions.
7. Thank you for being born second so that I can boss over you.
8. Thank you for being the smarter one so that I don't have the pressure of being the smartest in the family.
9. Thank you for texting me "you're okay" after a wild night out.
10. Thank you for being born because I don't think my life would be as colorful without you in it.
Thank you for being my little sister!