Every all-girl friend group has their own group chat. These group chats hold everyone's daily activities, secrets, L's of the week, selfies and a multitude of things we can't even really explain. So to sum it up, here are a few things you'll find in the mysterious world of girl GMs:
1. "Is this worthy getting petty over?"
Of course it is...it always is.
2. "Are you guys dressing comfy or cute?"
Basically another way of saying "if I wear sweats and a messy bun, am I going to be judged?"
3. "Guys..."
This is pretty vague and broad but you know that when one of your friends sends this to the gm...there's either a major issue that needs immediate attention, or there's a 7/$27 sale going on.
4. Memes
Memes brighten everyone's day (and are painfully relatable).
5. "Selfie help"
This usually consists of seven selfies that are basically identical, but the gm always has your back in this dire time of need.
6. "Go like my Instagram"
This text almost always follows number 5. If you can't count on your OG squad to like your pics, who can you count on?
7. Screenshots
This can range from texts from your arch nemesis, significant others or shady tweets from ex friends. The gm is ready to talk smack.
8. "What do I say back?"
Speaking of screenshots...whether it's a fight with a friend outside of the squad, boyfriend or a parent, it is always vital to consult the gm on fire comebacks.
9. "Coffee?"![]()
Maybe this is just my caffeine-obsessed friend group, but this short, sweet and to-the-point question pops up at least a few times a week. (And the answer is always yes).
10. "Miss you guys :("![]()
Sometimes accompanied by an old picture from the summer, this text is always sent after weeks without seeing each other. College is rough without your favs sometimes (all the time).