10 Tell-Tale Signs You Went To Catholic School | The Odyssey Online
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10 Tell-Tale Signs You Went To Catholic School

How to spot a former Catholic school kid when you meet one.

10 Tell-Tale Signs You Went To Catholic School

Some of the most timeless (and wild) stories of our lives are undoubtedly the ones from our high school chapters. However, if you were like me, and had the privilege of attending a private Catholic school for your whole life, you know perfectly well that your education and upbringing was vastly different than the ones received by your public school friends. On average, some were better, some were worse, but let's be real here: each and every Catholic school experience had those certain quirks about them that everyone who attended one can relate to and to this day we all remember. Here's 10 easy ways to spot a former Catholic school attendee when you meet one...

10. We feel the need to know everything about everyone...

You see, we've gone to school with the same group of kids our whole lives, and there's not exactly a lot of us. In Catholic school we knew everything about every kid, their parents, siblings, family friends and cousins thrice removed. Because of that, its our natural instinct to be busybodies and interested in everyone's business, always out of love of course.

9. We will get along with authority figures incredibly well...

The weird thing about private schooling is that you basically get to know your teachers better than your own family considering all your classes are microscopic. Plus, with nuns and priests always gallivanting around the place, we have a compulsive tendency to respect our elders, even if its out of sheer terror.

8. You may find us struggling with picking out day to day outfits...

Cut us some slack. We had our clothes picked out for us every day our whole lives, that's a hard skill to acquire late in life. We also may appear antsy when wearing street clothes, but that's just because we're subconsciously terrified of getting written up for not being in dress code.

7. We know every word to every religious song ever written...

You know how most kids had to learn the D.A.R.E songs? It's kind of the same thing except for most of them had Latin verses that we all butchered.

6. We can rattle off stories about Saint's lives like we knew them personally...

Once in a blue moon I'll hear someone mutter "Saint Anthony Saint Anthony please come around-" and I'm like well someone lost something really important...

5. We may still flinch if we see a nun in public...

I'd take getting yelled at by my parents all day every day than getting reprimanded by Sister So-And-So because my uniform skirt doesn't pass the index card test (you a real Catholic school O.G. if you know what that is)...

4. Catholic school kids aren't afraid of anything-- they've been threatened with eternal damnation too many times...

3. We sugar coat things a lot. It's an instinct from having mandatory confession every month...

"Um...I fight with my brothers and sisters a lot...and I don't always get along with my parents. Yep. That's it from me"

2. A Catholic school alum can sell any product to anyone.

Our school was privately funded. School is expensive. Fundraising was basically just another class for us.

1. We're the most wacky, most fun group of people you'll ever meet.

We basically feel like rebels without a cause any time we do anything, and we have the funniest most wacky stories that you won't get to hear from anywhere else and we wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

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