Tami Taylor from "Friday Night Lights" is easily the most inspirational mom on Netflix. Her marriage and family is #goals. And she gives the best advice to her daughters and students. During the month of April, college students tend to fall off…AKA sh*t hits the fan. Work starts to build up, spring fever starts to set in, and no one wants to be stuck on campus. April is the time we need an inspirational speech to push us through and get us to May. The finish line is in sight, we just need help getting there.
1. When you start to complain about the bad grade your professor gave you.
2. When you need someone to have your back.
3. When you hate your professor but need to suck it up and smile cause you need an A.
4. When you're completely sure you need to switch majors because bio is too hard.
5. When you just need a round of applause for getting out of bed.
6. When you reward yourself with a glass of wine.
7. When you need a personal tutor cause you haven't done any of the reading.
8. When you need her to become your spirit animal.
9. When she helps you make good decisions.
10. When you just need to hear this.
Thank you Tami Taylor (insert prayer hands emoji)