10 Survival Tips From Someone Who's Been In College Too Long | The Odyssey Online
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10 Survival Tips From Someone Who's Been In College Too Long

Upper-terms and alumni made all the mistakes so you don't have to.

10 Survival Tips From Someone Who's Been In College Too Long
ArtNet News

I go to an art school so some things on this list might seem a little specific, but I’ve crosschecked everything with a normal, strictly academic university alumni and tried to generalize these as best as I could so everyone could relate or gain from them.

1. Don’t feel guilty about drinking too much coffee or tea

Sure, studies have been done about it’s effect on your health but caffeine can be really helpful and even necessary sometimes, especially when you need just one more hour of study time and your eyelids have been heavy for the past two. Pro tip: coffee is zero calories if you drink it black, and if you’re an addict like me, it can be much more convenient (and cheaper!) when you don’t have to worry about everywhere having your favorite coffee fixings.

2. I say this all the time, and my mom had to tell ME all the time, but DRINK WATER!

Doctors recommend half your body weight in ounces per day (if you weigh one hundred pounds, you need at least fifty ounces of water a day) and even more if you’re active. I can’t stress enough how nice it is having a single, special water bottle that you have by your side at all times, one that you know the fluid ounces of so you know exactly how much you’re drinking/need to drink.

3. Write all of your notes in a sketchbook – this especially goes for art students.

When you’re taking notes for a specific class, you’re basically writing your own, personalized textbook that you’ll keep forever and if you do a good enough job, you can refer back to it for the rest of your life, especially if that subject coincides with your career path. The reason I stress writing it all in a sketchbook is because visual note taking can be a better way to learn and retain information. Doodles and diagrams give your brain something else to look at, and when you’re writing words size and color variation can help you locate specific information that you have to recall.

4. At my school they tell you from day one that you won’t be able to hold down a social life

Yes, its harder because of the sheer amount of work you’re assigned, but it’s not necessarily true if you try enough. “Homework Parties” can be a great way to get your work done while simultaneously brushing up on your social skills and getting that human contact fix. Warning: sometimes at Homework Parties, the actual schoolwork can take a backseat, so know when call it quits or just bring work that’s mindless and easier to do around people.

5. If there is only one thing you take from this list, please let it be this: NEVER STOP READING.

Read fun fictional books, read informative non-fictional books, read comics or graphic novels or Japanese manga, read newspapers, read Facebook articles, whatever! Reading (especially analytical reading) is a skill that you need to keep sharp and it’s a skill that you’ll never stop using.

6. Don’t you EVER feel embarrassed to wear you pajamas to school

There will always be a mutual understanding among all students that pajamas are an acceptable class outfit. No questions will be asked and no judgment will be passed.

7. All-nighters can be a waste of time and damaging to your health.

But if you need extra time on a project, or you stayed up until four in the morning anyways and have a class in a couple hours, you can pull an all-nighter the right way (and even make it fun). First of all, I tend to schedule my all-nighters so I know how to prepare for the next day (and also sleep in the morning before), like if I need to pace myself because I have class in the morning, or if I can sleep as soon as I’m done cramming. Next, make sure you have snacks! Think fruit, protein, and carbs – actual energy food and nothing that will make you crash faster (also sometimes when you stay up too long, your stomach can get sick, especially if there’s caffeine involved). It’s also a good idea to pre-make food like sandwiches and burritos. Lastly, take breaks periodically and know your limits – there’s no shame in tapping out. Sleep is one of the best things you can give your brain and body so don’t get in the habit of depriving it.

8. This one might be more specific to art students, but it also applies to anyone who uses computers for long periods; it’s important to stretch your wrists.

If you’ve been typing for hours and your forearm hurts when you rest it, you’re at risk of causing long-term damage to your wrists. A good ratio to follow (this applies to resting your eyes too) is 10:1 – ten minutes on the computer, one minute break; twenty minutes on the computer, two minute break, etc. One or two minutes doesn’t sound like a lot, but it can save you from a lot of pain and blurry vision.

9. Try not to close yourself off.

It’s so much easier to get work done when you’re a hermit in a cave, but sometimes you need to step away from the work or blow off some steam. Call your parents, text your friends, go see a counselor at school (most of the time its FREE to see a counselor), join a club regarding a specific interest so you have a least one thing during the week to look forward to that’s NOT about schoolwork. Even if you don’t have any relationships outside of school, it’s important to talk about and do non-school related things.

10. This is such a cliché but, YOU GET WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT.

If you don’t do the work, all you get is bad grades and a poor understanding of the class you barely took, but still paid for. If you DO the work, you’ll enjoy the class more because you’ll be able to follow along and apply it to other things in your life.

College can be stressful and hard, especially if you’re just starting out and trying to get the hang of it (or even if you’ve been in college for six years with no end in sight, like me), but it can also be the absolute best time of your entire life and it really shapes you into the adult you want to be with the career you want to have.

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