If you're anything like me you can't just hang out at home all summer, you gotta be doing something. So I put together a must do list for the busy bees just like me
1. Water Parks
One of my top five favorite things to do in the summer has got to be going to a water park. It is just so relaxing and fun, the stresses of life seem to be miles away while in floating on the lazy river.
2. Get Lawn Seats at a Concert
Sitting so far away might not sound that exciting but its so much fun! You get to still hear and see the music while still being able to sit out on a blanket or dance the night away.
3. Shop at a Local Outlet Mall
Deals, Deals, DEALS. Summer is the best time for sidewalk sales and the best discounts
4. Treat Yourself
Get your nails done, your hair, a pedicure, whatever you like to do. Make time for yourself
5. Go to the Movies
What is summer without catching a movie with friends at least once?
6. Babysit
Make a little money and get your fill of babies for a few months
7. Go to Yardsales ![]()
This has got to be my favorite summer past time. You never know what kind of treasures could be out there.
8. Spend Time with Your Family
After all, if you go to college chances are you've only seen them a few times over the past nine months. Make some time to do something fun with the whole gang
9. Go to a Baseball Game 
Buy some peanuts and Crackerjacks too
10. Make Time to do the Things You Love
For me it's writing but whatever you love to do always remember to make time for it. It's so peaceful to have some time to yourself