I think almost every college student out there will agree that summer break in college is both a blessing and a curse. Of course, it's amazing to not have to stress over tests and quizzes, and just chill at home every single day. However, laying in bed binge-watching Netflix can get kind of tiring after a while, and it's boring to do the same thing for three and a half months. Not to worry though, because luckily, there are actually a ton of ways to stay occupied in the summer, and here are 10 of them!
1. Go through your music library, and delete songs that you no longer listen to.
2. Make a list of all the movies and TV shows that interest you, and watch them
I know most of us watch Netflix every day, so we're already in the middle of shows and movies, but what about everything that's not on Netflix? There are so many old ABC Family and Disney movies that you could easily find online or at the library. Just make a list and go re-live your childhood!
3. Read a book! (seriously, just do it)
If you're like me, you've always wanted to re-read the "Harry Potter" series, "Percy Jackson" series, "Pretty Little Liars" series, etc., but just never had the time due to school. Well, guess what? You have all the time in the world now, and can read just about anything during the next three months.
4. Look up cute DIY room decoration videos on YouTube, and make something for your college room
Whether it's a banner, jewelry holder, picture frame, mug, etc., your college room is bound to look amazing with new decorations. A few YouTube videos and a quick trip to Michaels should do the trick, so get to it!
5. Get a job, volunteering position, or internship/externship
I'm assuming many of you already have one of these positions, but if you don't, start/keep looking! I was also bored and having no luck finding a job a week ago, but luckily a volunteer position at a senior citizen home opened up and I got it. Of course I'd rather get paid, but hey, at least it's something to put on my resume!
6. Go through everything in your closet, drawers, under your bed, etc. and donate or sell it
Clean every inch of your room, and I guarantee you'll find a bunch of things that you never used/wore and no longer want. Websites like Ebay and Amazon are perfect for selling things that are still in good condition, and I even recommend the apps Poshmark and Mercari for selling clothes and accessories.
7. Wash all the cars your family owns
Some water, soap, sponges, towels and a vacuum should be enough, and I'm sure your family will appreciate the kind gesture. You'll not only save money and burn some calories, but also kill time and feel accomplished for doing something nice.
8. Do all the tasks your mom and dad would normally do
I don't know about your family, but mine always has a ton of dishes to wash, a ton of clothes to wash and fold, a ton of items to buy from Costco, etc. Doing some of these things for your parents would definitely cut down on their stress, and you'll also learn how to be a real adult (haha).
9. Look up some cool places around you and go explore with friends
I'm 100 percent sure that there are some hiking trails, beaches, amusement parks, etc. around you that would be fun to explore with friends and family. Call up your cousins and old high school friends to set up a time where you can all reunite, and also take killer Instagram photos!
10. Join the Odyssey team!
If you enjoy reading these articles and think you could contribute some more cool ideas to Odyssey, go ahead and apply to join the team! You'll meet so many amazing writers from your college, and also gain some insight about the writing world. Even if you're not majoring in english, journalism, communication, etc., your resume will definitely stand out.