Instagram is one of the world's top photo apps. We can share our experiences with friends and family, connect with our favorite celebs, and even express ourselves through creative posts.
In order to obtain the Instagram aesthetic that you want, try using the following VSCO and Colourtone filters:
1. A6 - VSCO
A bit of rustic undertones, with a bold contrast.
2. C6 - VSCO
With pink undertones, this filter is perfect for your beach photos.
3. M5 - VSCO
Very vintage with low contrast and brown undertones.
4. P5 - VSCO
Another vintage filter with blue and purple undertones. Great for a moody shot.
5. AV8 - VSCO
A low contrast filter that highlights the various colors in our photo.
6. FIJI - Colourtone
Earthy and orange undertones. Great for vibrant photos.
7. JAIPUR - Colourtone
Another filter for gloomy shots.
8. ASHLEIGH - Colourtone
Brown undertones. A vintage look.
9. PALISADES - Colourtone
Another pink-toned filter. Also great for beach pictures and photos of plants.
10. QUEEN - Colourtone
A low contrast, low saturation filter. Perfect for distressed photos.
Feel free to use the Lightroom App to help increase things like contrast, saturation, clarity, and so on.
Pick your favorite, similar filters and have the perfect Instagram aesthetic this summer!