Studying is everyone's least favorite pastime, which is why we love to procrastinate it. Here are some ideas on what to do instead of studying for those annoying midterms.
1. Binge Watch Netflix
Pick one show, and devote 12 hours to watching it.
2. Clean Your Room
Whenever my room actually needs to be cleaned and I have time to clean it, it never gets done. But when it is vital that I need to study, I suddenly feel the need to clean my entire room.
3. Look At All Your Social Media Accounts... Multiple Times
You check the same app every 5 minutes, but nothing changes.
4. Try On Every Clothing Item In Your Closet
Haven't worn that dress in a while? Try it on instead of writing that essay.
5. Go shopping
When in doubt, buy new shiny items.
6. Learn How To Play Guitar
Master an entire song on guitar, even if you have never played before
7. Binge Watch Christmas Movies
Christmas is getting close, no harm in getting a head start in the Christmas spirit.
8. Make A Christmas List
After watching all those Christmas movies, there is no harm in making a list on what you want.
9. Shop Online
Because you didn't find everything you needed in the store.
10. Recreate Your Life On Sims
You make your entire life on sims extremely accurately.