It's Finals Week!
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Student Life

It's Finals Week!

10 tips to help study and keep your sanity!

It's Finals Week!
Her campus

Ah, finals week. I have sweet, sweet memories of finals week. For once, I am not taking a final. Usually I am for grad school, but I'm still taking a leave of absence from grad school, for now. Through the Odyssey, this old girl has met a lot of college kids through it. Granted I'm only 26, but I feel old compared to these babies. Also, my boyfriend Craig will be taking his chemical operator finals the week this goes live, so as I'm writing tips for you guys, I'm also using to help him while he studies.

Tip #1 Sleep

Sleep is so important during finals week! Contrary to popular belief to college students who want to do all-nighters and study. Sleep actually helps you retain information. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen through osmosis through sleeping on our textbooks (though wouldn't that be great!) I lived with my best friend Mara for one semester, and the way we'd study for finals is that we would study for an hour, sleep for an hour and had a pattern. Not a way I'd do it, but it seemed to help.

Tip #2 Eat

Getting balanced meals is also important. Food not only helps your body, but also helps your brain. Foods like blueberries and avocados are said to help brain and memory. Having a snack is also a great reward or a great time to take a break from studying. Eating all THREE meals a day also helps in getting the nutrients you need. Most dining halls have study parties where they feed you good food. At my sister's school (she went to Concord), they served a midnight breakfast for their students.

Tip #3 Study in different places

Studying in the library or isolated in your room may get tiring. A good tip for anyone studying is to change up the places you're studying. Just one change of scenery is all that you need. When I was in college, I would vary from the commuter's lounge to going to Panera Bread. Even though I was never a commuter, they accepted me into their family because I hung out with a lot of them. Panera is a great place to study. Panera is the only place where it is socially acceptable to eat by yourself and isn't weird. You can't go into an Applebee's and ask for a party of one because it's too classy. On the contrary, you look like trash if you eat at McDonalds by yourself.

Tip #4 Listen to music

I know this is supposed to be a non-music related article but I can't talk about studying without discussing study music.I wish I would have had a Instrumental Study playlist like I have now. It's seriously the greatest. I listen to it even at work when I just need to chill and get some progress notes done. On my playlist I have mostly instrumentals, scores, Lindsey Stirling, the Piano Guys, Explosions in the Sky, and The Greatest Bits. Explosions in the Sky is seriously one of my favorite instrumentals of all time.

Tip #5 Study with a friend

Like I mentioned before, my friend Mara and I studied all the time. I also helped my friend Kat a couple times as well. In addition, I helped underclassmen study for the psych classes I already took. I would recommend if you haven't found a study buddy already to find one, whether it be someone in your class/major or an upperclassmen to help you study. If you're an upperclassmen, be that upperclassmen to an underclassman. You won't regret it. You can bounce ideas off of each other or just be there for moral support. Moral support is the best thing you can provide. Sometimes I wouldn't even have to take a final and I'd just help my friends study or be there for moral support.

Tip #6 Use flashcards or study guides (DIY is the best)

Sometimes your professor gives out study guides, and that's great. But I'd recommend making your own flash cards or study guide. It actually helps you remember it better. At least it did for me. I'm one of those learners that are not only visual, auditory but also writing. I remember things better if I take good notes and write them down. It takes a lot of time and effort, but it was worth it for me. Also, like the picture says some professors will allow you to have one flashcard, which people get desperate.

Tip #7 Communicate with your professors if possible

At OVU, I had great relationships with my professors! I think that is common for our OVU folks. If you have professors who are willing to help you, take advantage of it. They will help you! They won't help pull you out if you're in over your head because you didn't put the effort into it, but if you're legit struggling, they will help you. By the way, I Google searched OVU professors and this came up! Shoutout to Birdman and Mrs. Morgan for making the internet!

Tip #8 Look your best

During finals week, it's typical to want you dress as a bum, and I get it. But actually taking the time to dress in jeans and a nice shirt instead of pajama pants and a sketchy t-shirt may actually be the boost of confidence you need to ace your final. If it's not, you can fail your final but still look and feel classy while doing it. I am going to say that I did not take this advice, but I wish I did. This is just good advice for life. Looking good will always make you feel better about something.

Tip #9 Drink water

Drinking water and plenty of fluids in general is a great way to help you study. Even though studying for finals make you make not so good drink choices (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic such as energy drinks), please drink water. Dehydration and lack of sleep really hurts you more during finals week than helps you.

Tip #10 give yourself rewards

Last but not least, give yourself many rewards and take many breaks. I wouldn't go quite as far as Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle, but it does benefit you well to give yourself breaks. Generally an hour of studying and half an hour off is most beneficial. Taking frequent breaks to get on social media, text a friend, go get something to eat or drink, or to go to sleep. After finals, is maybe when you should go and "treat yo self."

Happy final exams week college peeps! May the odds be ever in your favor! I don't pity you!

Let me know if my tips helped you any by tweeting me, I'm @lindzzzfaith on twitter and pretty much everywhere else on social media.

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