Spring semester is one that you wish would hurry up and end (especially if you are a graduating senior). And the weeks leading up to spring break are long and tedious. You hate being at school, you don't even try for your 8am anymore, and if you live anywhere above Tenessee, it is too cold to wear anything that doesn't make you look like a marshmallow.
These are things that are bound to happen in the weeks leading up to spring break:
1. You begin to get sick and tired of every single person that you have to see on a regular basis. You start to get irritated with the little ways that people do certain things. You don't hate anyone, but you could definitely use a little break from spending time with them.
2. Your papers become less and less professional and more and more like you don't care. You begin to turn in papers and say things like, "this is trash, but oh well." You just turn it in and hope for the very best.
3. You start to wonder why February does not have a break-worthy holiday. Like, why can't I have a week off for Valentine's day?
4. The last two weeks before break become a complete joke. All you want is to be home or leaving for your spring break trip.
5. You miss the home cooked food like nobody's business. You cannot stand to eat the food at the dining hall much longer. You actually start to wonder how much food is necessary to keep you alive.
6. You begin to skip 10 point assignments when the class is out of 150+ points. Does it really matter if I miss one?
7. If you are doing an internship, you start becoming part of your agency staff and counting down the hours until 4 (or 5) gets here and you get to go back to campus. You start to sound like the employees.
8. You begin to become very bitter about the cold weather. Because spring is on your mind and you just want to be able to wear a light jacket instead of looking like a marshmallow.
9. You constantly some state of permanently exhausted pigeon. And you wonder why everyone else is looking like a swan. But whatever, people feed pigeon fries on a consistent basis. So it's cool.
10. You are constantly looking at your car and thinking that you should wash it on a nice day. But you never do. And you just wait for the rain to get rid of the salt.