You were always the tallest one out of your friends, sometimes even the boys, and it’s the first thing people notice about you. Everyone always seems to be amazed at your height and the question of how tall you actually are is always being thrown around. We’ve spent our whole lives being the “vertically gifted” but sometimes being tall isn’t as great as all the supermodels make it seem. Here are ten struggles all of us “tall girls” deal with in our everyday lives.
1. Not fitting into clothes.
Whether you’re borrowing clothes or buying them, it’s always a question of whether or not those pants will reach your ankles, or if that dress is just not quite long enough. Spoiler alert, the pants always end up being capris and the dress usually looks like a shirt.
2. Being a human pillow.
Everyone leans and rests their heads on you, everyone! So where is your person to lean on when you get tired? I didn’t sign up to be everyone’s personal head rest!
3. Shoes are impossible.
It’s always impossible to find your size because there is a limited amount of big sizes stores keep in stock. And let’s not forget about the heels dilemma, do we show off our long legs or tower over everyone we’re with?
4. “You can’t date him you’d tower over him.”
Height isn’t the only thing we should be looking into when it comes to boys, everyone has their preferences. Just because I’m tall doesn’t mean we can never be together! Assuming we’re not interested just because of our height isn’t always an accurate observation.
5. “Can you reach that?”
We reach for the high things, we reach for the far things, we reach for everything because we’re the one’s who were born with the long arms
6. “Woah. Did you get taller?”
I haven’t grown in the past four years and I probably won’t grow anytime soon, but thanks for noticing how tall I’ve always been!
7. Everything you do looks awkward and unnatural.
We’re long, we’re lanky, we slouch, and we’re not the best dancers, it’s what we do
8. It's assumed that you play basketball or volleyball.
We are always asked about certain sports we play and basketball and volleyball always seem to be two of them. Just because I’m tall doesn’t mean I’m athletic!
9. Cramming your legs into the back seat.
Traveling is difficult, traveling with long legs is worse. There never seems to be enough leg room in the back seat and our legs cramp up very quickly
10. Taking pictures with your short friends.
We always look awkward and neither of us knows how to position ourselves with the height difference, so we usually just end up not taking the picture.
Sometimes our height gets the best of us and we wish we could be just a little bit shorter. But overall, we were blessed with the gift of height and I, for one, and happy to be “the tall girl.”