I am 5' 2". I am the second shortest person in my family of all of the adults. I actually really like being short, but there are some things that come with it that I really would rather not experience:
1. Not being able to reach the top shelf
This is an almost daily struggle. I always end up having to find someone taller than me to grab things I cannot reach.
2. Maxi dresses/skirts
3. Jeans
Jeans are also always too long and I either wear out the hem or, if they're skinny jeans, they awkwardly bunch at the end and get permanent lines in the ankles. That's not even including the fact that if I buy them to actually fit my waist, I usually have to buy capris and just wear them as regular leg jeans.
4. The shallow end of the pool isn't all that shallow to us
Three summers ago I worked as a camp counselor and we would have a pool day a couple times a week. Every time I was assigned the shallow end, it may as well have been the deep end. 5 ft is not shallow, people.
5. Standing at any concert, really
Anytime I go to a concert and it's standing room only or I am standing even remotely close to the stage, I may as well be in the nosebleeds because I can't see a thing.
6. Being mistaken for being younger than I am
I have a younger sister (she's not in the photo above). She's also taller than me. Almost everywhere we go, people think she's older and I am younger.
7. Having to sit super close to the steering wheel because I can't reach the pedals
When other people drive my car, they have to stand and adjust my seat before they can sit down. It's usually followed up by a "Man you're tiny!" comment of some kind.
8. Non front loading washing machines
This might as well just be the worlds greatest exercise because trying to get that last sock out of the dryer while trying not to fall in is a real challenge
9. Feet not touching the ground in chairs
The struggle is real. When my feet don't touch the ground in certain chairs I may as well be six years old.
10. You get called "cute" "tiny" and many other names
Standing next to anybody over like 5' 5" is just annoying because you feel like a munchkin in comparison.
Being short definitely has its perks, but also its setbacks. Despite that, I wouldn't change being below average height for anything.