From the day you declare your major in college, those of us who chose a science related one know how frustrating day-to-day life must be. Even though we chose this life on purpose, not a day goes by we don't struggle. Here are 10 struggles everyone declared a science related major can relate to:
1. The of endless lab reports that never go away.
Oh, the lab reports. You learned from your very lab in college whether is was biology, chemistry, or physics. Lab reports are in no way enjoyable, take actual time and effort, and can be stressful. The worst part of any lab report is by far the motivation it takes to start it.
2. Studying is not something you can do 5 minutes before a test anymore.
In some liberal studies classes or even those BS classes, we take to get the credits we need, cramming before tests work. Whoever says cramming does not lead to good grades is a liar. You can't spell "studying" without "dying."
3. When you hear your peers talk about how difficult their schedule is, you honestly can't be bothered.
When you hear your friends complain about the fact that they have to write a lot of papers, or study for only one test that week you're instantly jealous. Yes, all majors in college are hard. That's why we are in college, but there is just something about all the tests, quizzes, lab reports and having to stay awake through it all that makes it unbearable sometimes.
4. You contemplate dropping out to become an adult entertainer 6 of the 7 days of the week.
Hmm, maybe being a stripper won't be so bad. No more studying, stressing pulling my hair out to get all my assignments in on time, and a lot of money without all the work. Sounds bulletproof, right?
5. You're always tempted to make your own experiments against what you're supposed to be doing in lab.
Yes, we are supposed to be professional scientists. No, we still have not outgrown being human, nor college students. We just want to play like the kids we are.
6. There is no such thing as getting ahead on work.
Your eyes start to get crosseyed after all the hours you have put into trying to catch up on your work, but even after you are convinced you are ahead in your work, you remember what the hell is "ahead" in this major? Good thing they make alcohol you can drink, right?
7. Speaking of tears, you have at least one mental breakdown a week.
The cortisol from being in a scientific major can bottle up. Stress only rises and there's only so much you can take. We have all spent at least one hour of our college lives losing our shit.
8. When you do by chance ace a test or assignment you pulled out of your ass, it's a miracle.
It's quite an unimaginable feeling, honestly. There are no words for this feeling. If explained, this feeling would be described as confusion, happy tears, and an abundance of screaming for joy.
9. You are amazed by things that students in other majors wouldn't quite understand.
No, we can't explain why we find the ability for this random ball floating in the air or this organ being dissected from someone's body to be fascinating, but it is. So leave us to our science, please.
10. No matter the stress level, there is no place we would rather be.
No, we don't want to write history papers or draw, but our profession is definitely an art. We wouldn't trade the countless hours of studying or pulling our hair out for anything because we love what we do, our first love in school: science. This is a long-term relationship most won't understand unless they're living it. Here's to science.