It's that season. The season we all know and hate. The season you can't look cute if you try, you're constantly dragging yourself around, and you have to keep saying "excuse me."
It's allergy season.
It doesn't matter what you're actually allergic to, the season comes where you get your seasonal allergies and theres just something in the air you breathe that makes you feel like *insert poop emoji*. So here's to our struggles, raise your water glass you're about to use to take your benadryl and cheers with me.
1. We can't stop sneezing.
2. We always look like we're crying. Even when we're not.
3. Our eyes are always itchy, swollen, or red. Always.
4. We definitely don't wake up flawless.
5. Benadryl is our best friend.
6. Meaning we get a good night's sleep every night.
7. But it also means we don't function well throughout the day. Because, ya know, we're drowsy.
8. We want to go outside, but it's the devil.
9. Kleenex.
10. We figure out how to go day to day while being itchy, having scratchy eyes, and feeling absolutely horrible.
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