College is labeled as the best time of your life by almost every adult in existence. So far, I agree with them. But there are also endless "struggles" we as students must overcome to reach our goals. Whether it's trying to figure out how to write a check because all high school ever taught you was the Pythagorean theorem or discovering how really out of shape you are when you try to take on the steepest hills on campus. The transition to college is difficult and often makes us question its own existence.
1. Having roommates.
They make messes and noise and do all sorts of weird shit. Also you have no alone time ever.
2. Staring at your textbooks pretending to study.
Looking productive is all that actually matters, right?
3. Becoming addicted to a new TV series right before midterms or finals.
It’s very important to watch every episode before you can start studying.
4. Trying to avoid the freshman 15.
Buffet style dining halls every day? Yes.
5. And eating the laziest meals when you’re not pigging out at the dining hall.

6. Feeling awkward or embarrassed in at least one social situation.
7. Deciding which pictures to post to make your life look most exciting to your friends back home.
8. When you actually miss your family.
I need you, Mom.
9. Not being able to afford anything.
Especially textbooks.