Being single in a group of friends that have significant others is a constant struggle of either wanting to get hit by a truck or never being happier. There comes a point where you stop looking for your own love life because you’re surrounded by so many other coupes and you think you are actually in one. Here are 10 struggles of being the only single friend in your friend group.
1. Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday alcohol becomes your best friend, as they’re with their significant other and you need a date too.
2. Gotta make friends with the boyfriends/girlfriends because either way they’re always gonna be around now and you have no choice but to try to be somewhat friendly and save the awkwardness
3. You are always the third or fifth wheels… Always… you will never be alone unless you schedule friend time week in advance
4. You have to be willing to always be hooked up with the boyfriend/girlfriends friends because apparently you can’t get a guy or girl on your own and it'll just be adorable if you all have significant others that are friends
5. You eventually enter a romantic relationship with your pet because that is how desperate you have become and you know that they will never leave you because you feed them
6. Your new favorite hash tag is #singleforlife because the whole social media world needs to know that you will be single forever and nothing will change so every picture has to consist of this hash tag, especially in our third wheel pictures
7. Your relationship friends vicariously live through your life so you just have to make it interesting so they can live through your horrendous hook ups and creepy men trying to hook up with you
8. Surrounded in awkward PDA making out, groping, hand holding, anything that shows a form of affection will be suffocating you in every sort of direction you turn.
9. There will be episodes where you are so depressed with your single life that you buy a gallon of ice cream, a chocolate bar and cry yourself to sleep to romantic movies.
10. There will also be episodes where you are so happy with your single life because you have no drama what so ever and life could never be more simple and you can always buy yourself chocolate or flowers
From the highs and lows of being the single girl or guy in your friend group you know you can always count on your friends to still love you even though they have someone else that “makes them happier”. Just remember you don't need no man or woman in your life you are gorgeous specimen.