"Sorry, I was taking a nap." These words I hear way too often in college. Napping is one of the most popular hobbies to pick up during these years. We never want to sleep at night, so we complain about it and sleep during the day. The problem is that when I say we, I actually mean everyone except for me. I have elected not to take naps for my whole life. Personally, I don't see the benefit in napping because it only throws off your sleep cycle. What do you napping people think coffee is for? Now, as much as I hate napping with a burning passion, I will admit that there are some drawbacks to choosing to be productive during daylight hours. Yes, that last sentence was all sass.
1. Friends don't want to hang out during the day.
This not only forces you to be awake and running, but also to do actual work because there aren't any other distractions (other than social media, of course).
2. Going out doesn't happen unless it is specifically planned for.
I feel like a party pooper sometimes because I get tired when the night is still young. There is never a night out that doesn't end with you being the first to peace out of the bar. Unless you do the dirty deed beforehand (I'm talking about napping, of course).
3. You drink more coffee than anyone else.
Staying up during all of the daylight hours means that you have to actually do stuff to make up for the night hours that are lost to sleep. Wake up and smell the coffee, kids.
4. You feel bad being lazy.
If you're awake during the day, you might as well get stuff done, right? Well, sometimes you're just too tired to do anything, in which case you feel like you are wasting your life and you want nothing more than motivation.
5. Constant yawns.
This "lifestyle" warrants being tired all the time because actually getting work done and not sleeping the day away when you're not in class is SO TIRING.
6. Having to be considerate of those around you who are napping people.
I hate this. If you are napping and I have to be a decent human and be quiet as a mouse for you, chances are I slightly dislike you at that moment.
7. You have to take morning classes.
You know you won't be able to stay awake in any night classes because your body wakes you up early, so you're forced to rise at the crack of dawn every. Single. Day.
8. What is going to bed after midnight?
Something I don't do, that's for sure.
9. You don't have an excuse to eat "late night" food.
Since you are a normal person and eat at middle-aged person times, there are few opportunities to do normal college things, such as casually hitting up The Grill at midnight for a big juicy burger.
10. You have to suck it up when you are tired during the day.
Because, let's face it, you love to boast about your hatred of naps and you are too stubborn to give into temptation. No naps for LIFE!