Friends are the family that you choose for yourself, and even though winter break is short, it's easy to miss them once you're separated.
1. You miss them pretty much as soon as they leave
And you just want to run to wherever they are, even if that's across state lines.
2. You begin to regret not spending more time with them
Even though you spent most of your time together, it's easy to forget how lucky you are to have such great friends when you're able to hang out with them whenever you want.
3. You text them telling them that you miss them
All the time, just so they don't forget.
4. Literally all the time
I can't wait to see you. Did I say that I miss you? Because I do.
5. You always tell stories about them
To your non-college friends and even family, but the jokes and stories just aren't the same. You kinda just had to be there.
6. You miss your adventures
7. Even if after them you end up broke
When you're around them money just burns a hole in your pocket and you always seem to be broke.
8. Because honestly, without them, you're pretty lonely
Your life always feels like it's just... missing something.
9. But you're counting down the days until you're reunited
Luckily, it's not too long now.
10. Soon your non-biological family will be together once more.
But not soon enough. Thank god we're together for another six months.