By being an indecisive person myself, I was inspired to write the struggles we indecisive people face. Trust me, I did not wish this upon myself; it's a terrible trait to have. Every day we constantly have to make decisions. And for people who suck at making decisions, (cough) indecisive people, the struggle is twice as hard. So please, feel our pain.
1. Going shopping.
The sea of merchandise which makes looking for just one thing to buy nearly impossible. But when you do find something, you can't just buy clothes without trying them on, and then you stare at yourself in the mirror for hours.
2. Making plans.
Deciding whether you should go out with your friends or go to see that movie with your mom kills you. Can you do both? You just hate what making a decision means, which is that the other choice could have possibly been better.
3. Ordering at a restaurant.
Let' be honest ... too many choices, too little time
4. Getting dressed.
Whether you are going out with your friends or going to the library, finding something to wear is overwhelming. Is it rainy? Hot? Cold? Thank god I have roommates to help dress me.
5. Packing a suitcase.
Instead of having to pick and choose what to pack, it is easier to just take your entire closet.
6. Getting your nails done.
Too many times you have told the manicurist you need about five more minutes because you can't decide on a color. Even though you had it planned ahead of time, you second-guess yourself when you see more options. "Ooo maybe a pink? Or what about a nude? Purple?" Meanwhile, your friend is about halfway done with her manicure.
7. Not knowing what to do with yourself in your free time.
Should I clean my room? Maybe I could work out? I could catch up on Netflix? Or maybe I should go hang with some friends? Too many choices and too much freedom, which ultimately leaves you curled up in your bed.
8. Selecting gifts.
One good thing about us indecisive people is that we are very thoughtful. When it comes to choosing a gift, we struggle to choose the right one. It can be hard enough to find a damn card, let alone a gift.
9. Going grocery shopping.
Decisions like choosing what brand of peanut butter to buy can be the most difficult task. "Well, this one is organic. That is probably healthier for you? Or maybe I should just go with Jiffy?" (true story)
10. Instagramming.
Too many filters and too many decisions. Border or no border? #doitforthelikes