You love them, you definitely hate them, and you could probably live without them. If you own a smart phone, chances are you’ve been involved in a group chat at some point. Whether it’s for a group project or connecting with friends from home, group chats always pop up now and again.
Group chats are a great way of keeping in touch, sharing the latest news with friends and family, and communicating with multiple people at once. However, in the past, group chats have proven to present some challenges. Here are a couple struggles you may be familiar with if you’ve ever been involved in a group chat.
1. When you attempt to make plans, but no one pays attention
2. When you’re in class or take nap and return to a million messages
3. When no one answers you
4. When someone sends something relatively serious, and you hesitate before replying
5. When everyone replies so quickly, you can’t get a single message in
6. When you do something stupid, like make a typo, and get made fun of for eternity
7. When you tell a funny joke, and again, no one replies
8. When someone sends a message that was supposed to be only sent to an individual member of the group
9. When someone doesn’t answer your individual message, but answers the group chat
10. Your only break from the group chat, is when you're with everyone in the group chat
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