Writing is hard. It really takes a special kind of person to weave together various combinations of 26 letters with the purpose of painting a vivid picture a reader's head, and honestly? The struggle is real. All fiction writers have definitely had that moment when...
1. You’d much rather read the story you’re trying to write than actually write it.
2. Your internet history is questionable to an outside observer.
3. You’re searching for that one word.
4. You sit at your desk writing and suddenly pull an expression just to make sure you’ve described it correctly.
5. You count plot ideas instead of sheep.
6. You can’t think of ideas when you actually need them...
7. ...and then you can't figure out where to fit the brilliant scene idea that you finally come up with.
8. The plot twist that you're writing surprises even you...
9. ... so you kill your darlings...
10. ... and accept your status as an all-powerful being.