College is the best 4 years of your life, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Freshman me was scared to death of entering a university with over 40,000 students, knowing no one. I thought I was going to be swallowed whole and a loner for the next 4 years. Now I sit here writing this article at the end of my junior year and I am proud to say I have found my home away from home with a group of people I can call my forever family.
With only one year to figure out what I am going to do with the rest of my life (pray for me) and having no idea what the future holds, being stressed out is an understatement. Throughout your four years you will definitely run into some struggles like being broke and procrastinating, so here are a few that I think hit the heart just a bit deeper than most.
1. The morning after a really rough Saturday night, you drive to the Chick-fil-A drive thru in hopes to cure your hangover to then remember that it’s closed on Sunday’s. This leaves your day ruined and your hangover still just as bad, if not worse.

2. When you go to buy that chicken tender Publix sub on sale for $5.99 and you realize you only have $4.09 in your bank account for the rest of the week.

3. Studying for two days straight, without any sleep, just to end up with a 67 percent on your exam even though you studied hard enough to become the actual textbook.

4. Saying you’re going to stick to a diet for more than 5 days but then end up in an uber at 3 a.m. at the taco bell drive thru venting about your love life to your driver with a Baja Blast and a crunch wrap supreme.

5. Having to wash your hair and body in 9 minutes record timing to make sure that you get the most out of the student housing hot water. Screw you student housing.

6. When your friends go out of town or you go home for break and you're alone. The worst part is that you're genuinely confused what to do with your time now and you just miss them.

7. When you wake up once a week with a sore throat and realize you have been sick the past three years of college.

8. That coffee is truly your only source of energy and without it, you're basically the walking dead. How does anyone function without it?
9. When the one time you have an exam to study for your entire friend group goes out together and you have to experience it through snapchat. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) is a real diagnosis and deserves a medicated treatment.

10. All events with free food are the events you show most attendance too. You’re on a budget and this means no cooking or spending money, what can be better? Nothing.

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