I remember my mother being very disappointed when my doctor told her that this was it. I wasn't going to grow anymore.
"Well, how tall is she now? Is she at least five feet and two inches?" my mother asked nervously.
"Um... she's five feet and three quarters of an inch," my doctor replied calmly. And that was that. Honestly speaking, I don't have a lot of issues with my height. Yes, I'm super short, but I never let my height get in the way of me loving myself. However, life as a short girl can be quite the adventure, and believe it or not, its fair share of problems do make things oddly interesting.
People always call you cute. Not even in the "you look so cute in that outfit!" way; they literally say that you are a cute human being. Don't get me wrong - I'm pretty chill when it comes to compliments, and usually just grab it and run when I'm blessed with one. But being called cute over and over and over again by the same people really gets tiring.
You constantly need help at the supermarket. Going to the supermarket is basically going rock climbing, except you're climbing random shelves to get to the top so you can grab that box of cereal that you want.
You always need to get your pants altered. You find the perfect pair of jeans at the store, and look! It even says "short" on them. You make your way to the register, pay for them, and then get home to try them on and realize you'll have to get them altered anyway, because they're way too long on you.
Speaking of clothes, it's difficult beyond belief to find a maxi dress that won't drag across the floor. Personally, I love maxi dresses. And let's face it - they're the perfect dresses to wear during the summertime when you haven't shaved or waxed your legs. But only we know the struggle of buying a maxi dress and having it turn into a mop.
You can barely see yourself in the bathroom mirror. There was a time when I thought I'd be able to actually see below my chin in the bathroom mirror. Yeah, that moment never came.
You can't see anything during concerts. No matter who is sitting or standing in front of you, YOU CAN'T EVER SEE. Honestly, what's the point of even going?
You're basically sitting on the steering wheel while driving. Did you know that people who sit closer to the steering wheel have a greater chance of being killed by their airbag? Yeah, neither did I, until someone told me to stop driving with my face in the steering wheel.
You never fit in the selfie. People probably recognize you by your forehead, since that's all they ever see in your group selfies. Selfie sticks for the win!
Your neck aches from constantly looking up to people. If I had a dollar for every time I had to look up to someone, I'd probably be as rich as Mark Zuckerberg. Or Taylor Swift.
You can't keep up with your tall friends while walking. I have short legs, thus, shorter strides. Please understand this.