Not many know the struggle of being a girl that is well over 5' 10". Half the time it feels like people are staring at how long your legs are, like they are contemplating how it is even physically possible. Whether you know the struggle or not, here are some things that super tall girls can totally relate to.
1. "OMG! How tall are you?"
We have definitely heard this quite a few times, and we've mastered a .2 second response.
2. We almost always get shotgun on car rides. No questions asked.
"Oh yeah, let her have shotgun, she needs the leg room." *SCORE*
3. Silently crying when you do have to sit in the back.
Can't. Move. My. Legs. Help.
4. "Do you play basketball?" or "I bet you are really good at basketball!"
Do I even have to explain this one? Just because i'm tall doesn't mean that I want to play a sport deemed for tall people.
5. Do I like him, or is he just taller than me?
The struggle is SO real when it comes to finding a guy taller than you are. So when you do come across a rare specimen with the oh-so-important qualification of being taller than you, it begs the question of, "Do I really like this person, or is he just tall?"
6. Pants.
Special-ordering your jeans becomes your specialty. You can almost NEVER just walk into a store and buy a pair of jeans because apparently they stop selling your size once you've grown beyond 5' 9". Inseams of 35" are a god-sent rarity and sometimes when those don't even seem to cut it, you have to hit the catalogs and order up a pair of 37" inseam jeans to be shipped specially for you and your giraffe legs.
7. Every skirt is a mini-skirt. Unless it's a maxi-skirt. Then it's capri length.
Hey there skirt section of the women's department! I'm sorry i've never stopped by to visit, but I know that despite how cute you are, none of you will make it past mid-thigh. Well... Maybe i'll cruise the maxi-skirt section! Never mind, none of them go past my ankles.
8. Oh you're still in high school? I honestly thought you were a senior in college.
Apparently having a few extra inches on you (or 5...) makes people thing you must be way older than you are. "No ma'am, i'm 18 not 23. Don't worry, common mistake."
9. "Hey, can you reach this for me?"
Oh.. Uhm.. I guess so.
10. You always slay.
Flaunting those long legs is the best thing ever. Make people turn their heads and be grateful that you can reach everything!