Almost a year into my life in the working world, I am starting to wonder if "adulting" ever gets easier or if we just get used to it? I've asked a few real grown ups (people over 35 in my book), and the overwhelming response is that you never truly feel grown up. Great. So I'm always going to feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off trying to juggle working full time, maintaining a social life, attempting to date, and dealing with all of the other little things that inevitably pop up in life (flat tires, Strep throat, etc.). If you're like me, and still adjusting to adult life you can relate to these struggles.
1) Starting your first full time job and realizing that Thursday is just another week day.
RIP Thirsty Thursday. We'll miss you.
2) Feeling like a baller when your paycheck direct deposit hits only to have your dreams crushed when your automatic withdrawals hit two hours later.
It's times like these that I long for the days of my parents paying my rent.
3) Realizing that all the people who came before you were right. The hangovers really do get worse as you get older.
This is coming from a 23-year-old, so I can only imagine how crappy I'm going to feel the morning after my 30th birthday...Week long hangover, anyone?!
4) Not being able to skip work "just because" like your college classes.
I struggle with this one extra hard every Monday morning.
5) Promising yourself you won't go out next weekend, and then changing your mind every Friday at 5 p.m.
For me, all it takes is hearing "Cheap Thrills" or "6,7,9" on my way home and I'm sold.
6) Realizing that some of the adults you'll encounter are just as douchey/bitchy as the people you hated in college.
It's true that some people really don't ever grow out of their horrible personalities.
7) Needing significantly more coffee than you did in your undergrad.
Like for real though, can someone hook me up to an IV of caffeine on Monday mornings?!
8) Deciding between being productive on a Saturday morning or brunching it up.
I don't know if I'm proud or embarrassed to admit this, but brunch usually wins.
9) Trying to be healthy.
Enough said.
10) Being forced to spend half your paycheck on things you NEED to survive.
And then being left with $16.42 to spend on things you WANT.