10 Unusual Things About Fitchburg State University | The Odyssey Online
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10 Unusual Things About Fitchburg State University

Daka. What is it? How does one "Daka?" Is it safe to Daka?

10 Unusual Things About Fitchburg State University

Fitchburg State may seem normal from the outside, like any other school. But after living here almost two semesters, I can confidently say there are several aspects about the school that are far from the norm. My fellow students will understand most of the oddities on this list, but for the rest of you, here is your first insight on life at Fitchburg State University.

1. Daka

What is it? How does one "Daka?" Is it safe to Daka?

Daka is how the student body refers to the dining hall. This is because the food supplier years ago was named Daka. The school's supplier has since changed but the name has stuck. And honestly, Chartwells just doesn't have the same ring to it as "Daka."

Ex. "Hey man you want to go get Daka?" "You mean Chartwells?" "NO, I MEAN DAKA."

It's a real thing.

2. Eating over a road

Another unusual thing about the dining hall is that it sits over a road.

There it is, Daka. You don't think of the road below much - unless maybe a loud car zooms underneath while you're eating, only then do you remember.

3. Tunnels

Most students know about this one, but not all have seen it for themselves. Underneath campus there are tunnels that connect many of the buildings. Some are still used, some are condemned, and all are creepy.

4. The sheer hilliness

"Let's go up the stairs to get to the quad," Said the student. Here at Fitchburg, you never know which level you are on because the campus and city are so elevated and constantly sloping. Maybe you're on the ground level, maybe you walked down the hall and now you're in the basement, who knows?

I'll just leave you with a couple pictures of proof and this unproven legend:

Fitchburg is the second hilliest city in America, with San Francisco being the first.

Yeah all those steps you see, that's not all of them. God bless the people who pieced this campus together over all these hills.

5. Fitchburg vapes... sort of

I can't tell you exactly why there is a giant smokestack on campus, it's more or less just accepted. Maybe it's part of a power plant, maybe it's part of a hidden Orc factory underneath campus. Personally, Orc theory seems much more likely. Does your school secretly manufacture Orcs? No? Didn't think so.

They say size doesn't matter but...

...250 feet, that's all I'm saying.

6. Part Elementary school

Part of the McKay education building also functions as an Elementary school, and during the week this scene would be full of kids running around outside.

College kids don't get to go to recess but at least we have our nap time.

7. Simmons v. Simonds

We all know how the apartments are spelled but we also know that if you pronounce it any way other than "Simmons," people will look at you weird. It's like Daka, we know how it's supposed to be, but this is how we say it.

8. Campus cat

On campus there is an orange tabby cat that has been coined "Campus Cat." The cat goes by several different student-given names. You can keep up to date with the cat's movements on it's Instagram: "Yoncethecampuscat"

9. Riot proof dorms

The main freshman dorm is apparently so confusing it qualifies to be a "Riot-proof"building. Which is great! If college freshman weren't confused and nervous enough, then it's a good thing we threw them in a maze to live their first year!

Russell towers has 9 floors (sometimes), 4 towers, a labyrinth of hallways and stairs, and a very limited wifi signal. Have fun kids!

10. Nursing and film kids are your friends

Another thing that's unique about Fitchburg State is its biggest majors. Odds are when you first start talking to new people you're going to find almost everyone you meet is in nursing, film, or maybe some area of education. The popularity of these different and heavy workload majors just makes the student body more diverse.

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