The monotonous 8 AM to 3 PM schedule you once knew in high school no longer applies. It is likely you no longer have to wake up at the same time every day or have the worry of getting marked tardy by your homeroom teacher.
Because the college routine is anything but routine, it can keep us on our toes. With the freedom and flexibility college brings, we have to be semi-organized in order to get those good grades, have a part time job, and keep a personal schedule straight. During all the chaos at this time of year, it is possible you might have pulled out some hair trying to keep it all under control.
Luckily, spring break is here! But when your vacation comes to an end, and you leave the beach for the quad, you can finish up the school year looking and feeling like a pro. Even if you can’t convince yourself, you’ll convince everyone around you. So take a deep breath and follow these next ten steps:
1. Buy an agenda
Go to Office Max or scroll through Amazon to find yourself a pretty but professional agenda. Make sure it is small enough to fit in almost any sized purse. Oh, and don’t forget to carry it around with an awesome pen, the kind that makes you feel official. People will notice.
2. Draw them in with your eyes
Chances are, the first thing someone notices about you is your set of eyes, so it’s important to keep them in tip-top shape. Keep eye drops, concealer, and mascara handy in your backpack. If you wear contact lenses and are often bothered by them after a long day, carry around your glasses so you won’t be irritated after one falls out.
3. Invest in a cardholder for the back of your phone
If you don’t already use one, this will change your life. You will never be without a form of payment or your ID again. We’ve all been there: you’re out with your friends and can’t get into a bar because you left your license back in the dorm. Or you desperately ask your friend to spot you for a late night snack when you’re without your debit card.
4. Always carry a water bottle
Drink lots of water. You can never have enough. The next time your’e running to your next class and arrive out of breath, you can sit back and take a long sip of water. You’ll be the definition of calm, cool, and collected.
5. Plan tomorrow’s outfit before you go to bed
You’ll be thankful you did the next morning when you oversleep.
6. Create a list of mandatory accounts you should check everyday
Whether it’s for class, work, or personal, uphold your responsibilities by staying on top of information by checking the necessary emails, etc. We all know how easy it is for a due date to slip past us. This routine will help you feel more organized and impress the people you report to.
7. Get the Couple app
This won’t only help you but also your roommate. This app allows you to make lists together and have a synced calendar. If you and your roommate aren’t the best at texting each other back and need to improve your communication game, this app is the way to go.
8. Buy a watch
I know, I know…you use your phone to tell the time. But picture this: you’re alone going from one building on campus to an interview and your phone dies. You don’t know how much time you have to get there or how long you have to prepare. In this moment, you’ll want that watch. You are probably thinking about how watches are out of style, but let’s bring them back like chokers.
9. Upload Facebook pictures once a month
Document memories and start taking pictures more often of people, places, and things. Add them to an album that your friends will reference. Be sure to tag everyone. Soon, you’ll be the person everyone believes to be on top of things.
10. Smile!
There is no other way to convince people you have everything together than wearing a wide, confident smile