Happiness is not a simple goal. It takes time along with effort and the right mentality. But I believe that everyone in this world deserves happiness and can achieve it. Smile because life is already so short and passing you by!
1. Stop putting so much unnecessary pressure on yourself
You are allowed to have a bad day. You are allowed to have a bad week. Do not put so much pressure on yourself to be “perfect." I can promise you that perfection does not exist and it is impossible to find. Make sure that you reward yourself for the hard work you are putting in and take a break once in a while. Taking a nap does not mean you are lazy or giving up! Also, make sure you know the difference between succeeding and having an obsession with perfecting everything. Do not add more weight on your shoulders by always expecting too much out of yourself. Having high standards is a good thing, but do not slam yourself into the ground. Life is stressful enough!
2. Stop worrying about what everyone thinks
The day I did not allow people’s judgments and opinions to affect me was one of the best transitions of my life. No matter what you do, there is going to be someone who does not agree with your choices. Guess what? If they do not want to support you and enjoy you for who you are then you do not need them. Do not get me wrong, a friend telling you that you have food in your teeth is not judging you, they are just trying to help you out! The people who do not want to accept you for how wonderful you are do not deserve you anyway. You could have straight As, be attractive and be the best athlete and people will still have something to say! So you just walk around in your pajama bottoms and your head up high!
3. You can no longer live in the past
This is my absolute favorite one. Trust me, I have the same issue. I always reminisce on the past and wish that I could have it back. On the other hand, there are times where I do not let my past go and force myself to relive some of the not so great moments. Here is the thing; you are in the present for a reason. The present is a gift and should not be taken for granted. You cannot change what happened in the past unless you have some crazy time machine. It isn’t going to happen, so accept what is and let go of what was. The past is behind you for a reason, so keep it there.
4. Associate yourself with people who make you happy
If you have people in your life whom you choose to be around and bring negativity in your life then get rid of them immediately. I know it is easier said than done but you will be so thankful in the end that you made this decision. If someone makes you feel worthless or lower about yourself then they are not bringing any positive aspects to your life. You constantly want to be surrounded by people who support you and have a positive outlook on life. They do say that you become who you hang out with. I do not know about you but I want to be a happy person and enjoy the quality of life! You do not need to associate yourself with people who bring you down there are too many people in the world for that.
5. Make your mistakes a lesson instead of a big fat “F”
We all make mistakes. If someone does not a mistake in their life then they live in a cage or they are dead. Instead of taking your mistakes and having them upset you and bring you down even more, use them to rise, and make yourself a stronger person. Use your flaws and failures to build your character and understand more of life’s experiences. The more mistakes you make, the more you will be able to relate to people. A mistake does not always mean you are in the wrong and can never do anything right; it shows that you are trying. Keep in mind that your mistakes have the potential to make up who you are, but it is your choice to turn them into negatives or positives.
6. Realize what you can and can’t control
I am extremely guilty of this one. It feels like so many of us want to be able to control everything going on around us. Yes, there are many things that we can control, such as what outfit you want to wear or what you want to have for dinner, but there are other factors that are out of our control and this realization can spare a lot of sadness and frustration. People put so much pressure and blame on themselves about why certain situations are happening in their life. I think a perfect example is when you come across someone who doesn’t love you the way you love them. I know you think you can change how they feel, but that is not something you can control. It is very hard to control others because they have to make their own decisions in life. I always say that you cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it.
7. You’re never fully dressed without a smile
Show your teeth! Laugh at things that are so stupid and do not make any sense. Watch funny videos on YouTube that have you dying on the floor. People look so much better with a smile on their faces. You could have the most updated shoes and a hairstyle to die for, but it won’t look as good with a frown on your face. Happiness brings so much beauty to the world to not just yourself, but to others around you, too. Make your cheeks lift up and your eyes crinkle. The reason this is one of the last points is because you should follow the first few steps before this one. Do not fake a smile, it is much better to show how you are truly feeling then force yourself to feel a way that is not true.
8. Learn to adapt to change
You never know what tomorrow brings. Have a planner and write down what you are planning to do, but that doesn’t mean it is going to happen. Anything can happen whether it is good or bad. If you are preparing for a job interview that you think you are going to nail but you don’t get it, you must be able to adapt to the fact that you may have to apply to another job. Change is around every corner and I like to think of life as a roller coaster. Life experiences come with change and you’re going to have to adapt to those changes. If you are able to adjust to changes in life it will sure save you a lot of heartache and extra stress in the end.
9. Be able to recognize your strengths and weaknesses
It is very easy to sit down and say all the things you do right. The question is can you sit down and name all the things that you don’t do right first? You will find that constructive criticism is an important part of life, and if you can handle it from others then you will be happier and even more successful. It is always refreshing to be honest with yourself and acknowledge all the good and bad that you bring to the table.
10. Always remember that you can do it
At the end of the day, tell yourself that you can do it. If you have goals then go out and get them and do not let anyone hold you back. Mentality is half of your battle. If you believe in yourself, then guess what? You are already halfway there! Wake up in the morning and go to bed at night knowing that you are capable of reaching the places you have never reached before. You will find a significant increase in your happiness once you realize you have self-confidence on your side.