In one legendary episode of The Office, Jim attends a party and tells the audience that he is the "master of leaving parties early". Holiday season is upon us, and with the holidays comes many parties. Your gift exchange with your close friends is all fine and good, but there are a few parties that you may want to skip out on like an office party, the annual party of a weird relative or family friend or a party that you're not really sure why you got invited to because you aren't friends with anyone else on the guest list.
Here to save you is a list of tips for leaving parties early. I took Jim's and expanded on them to give you the comprehensive guide to leaving parties early.
1. "You wanna have a picture taken."
Jim suggests this, and I agree. I would suggest getting a few shots in with different people. Bonus points if you stand in different places when taking them.
2. "You wanna say some peculiar non-sequitor that people remember."
3. "You wanna note something unique: a talking-point for later."
4. Wear something memorable.
"Of course I was there. I was in that green, turtleneck sweater.
5. Stay away from the food.
Once you get a plate in your hand, it's almost impossible to leave.
6. Don't sit down anywhere.
7. Don't get too far from the door.
Once you are three rooms back, there's no leaving.
8. Make sure to have an escape route planned.
9. Don't ask the deep questions.
Keep it casual.
10. Always have an excuse planned.
And that's it. Ten simple ways to get in and out of any obligatory holiday party which you'd rather spend in bed watching Netflix.