It's that time of year again. Spring Break is approaching, mid-terms are ending and life likes to hit you with a random case of the flu. I'm one of the lucky ones who happened to catch the flu last week. Here are some of the thoughts that went through my head during this awful process.
1. It can't happen to me.
Your roommates are sick, but that can't happen to you. You washed your hands extra times throughout the day and drank some Airbone. Problem solved.
2. I don't feel so good...
You go to sleep that night with a tickle in your throat and a raging headache. It must be from studying so much for mid-terms. Best to take it easy and turn in early tonight.
3. I've awoken as a corpse.
What is happening to you? Everything aches, you can't move, your appetite is non-existent, the coughs vibrate your entire body and make your head pound and you're freezing while sweating. What the heck is going on?
Whatever you have, it must be the granddaddy of all sicknesses. You walk into the CVS Minute Clinic super groggy and wait your turn to get some medicine. Hopefully this will solve everything -- fast.
5. I'm dying.
Even with the medicine you feel like you're dying. You can't focus on anything, go to class or even brush your hair without feeling even worse. Not being able to keep food down isn't helping anything either.
6. Why. Am. I. Still. Dying.
Day 4 -- or is it 5? Why can't you fight this off? The thought of how behind you are in school now only wants to make you barf more.
7. I forget what it's like not to be sick.
Will you ever get better? Is this the end? You scroll through your Instagram feed and try to remember what it's like to be able to breathe through your nose and not live life cough drop to cough drop.
8. Three showers a day and I still don't feel good.
If you get enough energy you always opt for a shower to try and feel less disgusting. It was a nice thought, but you still gross yourself out once you're back dying in bed.
9. Wait... I woke up breathing out of my nose today.
Day 6 and for once you didn't wake up worse than the day before. You ease up just a bit on the medicine and feel like you can at least be somewhat productive today -- from bed of course.
10. I'm coughing, but I'm human.
You're still feeling tired and the cough never leaves, but you can work with it. Compared to how you've felt the past week, this is nothing. You can live with the cough and you're just happy to be out of your bed and outside your apartment for the first time in what feels like forever.