Getting a job after college is more difficult than you think. Unless you've got hella connections, or TONS of experience straight out of undergrad, these steps will help you understand the job acquiring process.
1. Get a college degree
2. Be proud of your college degree and proceed to tell everyone that you are now ready to enter the job market
3. Apply for awesome jobs, tell them you have a college degree
4. Get rejected, they don’t care about your college degree
5. Apply for “entry level” jobs
6. Get rejected because you don’t have enough experience for said “entry level” jobs
7. Agree to work for free, they will call you “the intern”
8. Move in with your parents and contemplate all of your life decisions
9. Do odd jobs on the side to make some money
10. Repeat steps 3 through 7 until someone hires you
And there you have it, share this post if you think it’s ridiculously hard for college grads to find decent jobs.