Now that we're out of midterms and into finals, studying has become as much a part of our routine as going to the dining hall because we don't have the energy to cook. To make things a little easier, here are the different faces of studying if they were pandas.
1. Getting started.
The hardest part is actually getting started. After procrastinating for as long as possible, the panic sets in and we realize we have to start before it's too late.
2. Waking up an hour early to study.
The first lie we tell ourselves. We don't have class until 11 - we can wake up at 9. No, you can't.
3. Having a mental breakdown.
You have to have at least three before midterms are over. If you don't, I admire you.
4. Snack time
When you're all broke and there's only four Taquito's left, it's every man for himself.
5. Do anything and everything except studying.
You don't really party, but your friends are going. And you should be doing your paper, but why don't you ever take time to relax? You can do the paper later.
6. Realize all of your deadlines are piling up and 'later this week' is now 'tomorrow'.
You waited too long and wonder why you're so bad at time management.
7. Study groups.
Does anything ever get done?
8. Try to roll away from our problems.
Trying to roll away from your problems is unavoidable. Sometimes it's the only thing you can do.
9. Leaving your class after the exam.
It was a struggle, but you survived.
10. Getting your grades back.
Getting your grades back can sometimes be as stressful as studying for the exams. Whatever your grades, know that you don't have to be great at everything, and that it's okay to struggle.
Everyone does.