10 Stages of Pulling a College All-Nighter | The Odyssey Online
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10 Stages of Pulling a College All-Nighter

What it feels like to pull an all-nighter freshman year of college...

10 Stages of Pulling a College All-Nighter
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When you actually have to pull an all-nighter for school not because of procrastination, but because of what you're taking and extracurriculars. I am stuck in that situation right now and I'm currently writing this based on the fact that I am running on caffeine and I'm sleep-deprived.

In my case, it all started on Friday night when I had work piled up and just finished a midterm. I knew I had another midterm coming up, but at the same time, I had work for other courses. My weekend plan was laid out as 75% study and 25% chill and food time. Saturday came and had Dragonboat practice in the morning. Came back home and began CS homework and worked on my English essay. Finished at 10pm and chilled until 12am which then I got ready for bed. But because of everything that I still had to do before Monday, I was stressing out and became sick Sunday morning resulting in missing Sunday Dragonboat practice. As soon as I recovered at 12pm, I started working on CS review and English final drafting and homework. That lasted me till early morning of Monday.

Without further ado, this is all the stages felt when pulling an all-nighter for homework, no procrastination.

1. It's 10pm and you begin to panic.

You look at the clock and the amount of work you need to complete. You're slightly freaking out as to how late you're gonna be working. Knowing you have an 8am, you begin to wonder how much sleep you need to live.

2. It's 11pm and you realize it's near midnight.

The clock reads 11pm and you realize how much work you've completed in an hour - not enough. You start panicking and mentally preparing for a long night of work.

3. It's 12am!

Right when the clock chimes at midnight, you know this is when you need to start panicking because you've barely done anything compared to what is due. Panic mode starts kicking in...

4. It's 1am and you start become sleepy.

You start telling yourself to keep awake and begin devising ways to stay awake. Splashing water on your face doesn't work, drinking water doesn't help. Drinking coffee means you have to spend time to prepare it, no, you're lazy so you don't make it.

5. It's 2am and you seriously start panicking...

F***! It's 2am and you've only done half of your work, what happened to the 4 hours you had?? You try printing and encounter the problem of the printer not printing. YOU SERIOUSLY START FLIPPING THE F*** OUT.

6. WTF, it's 3am and you haven't finished yet!

You start questioning about life and future happenings and what might happen if you miss class and other stuff...

7. It's 4am, and you know the gym opens at 6:30am and you debate on hitting the gym then.

It's already 4, why would you sleep? Sleep is for the weak. But at the same time, you prepare yourself to workout by drinking caffeine-infused beverages.

8. It's 5am...WHAT ARE YOU DOING???

At this moment, you could be sleeping, but no, your work efficiency significantly reduced and you have no idea what is going on. You become slightly cranky and disoriented.

9. It's 6am...just a few moments before the gym.

At this point, you will most likely be questioning your existence and whether going to the gym is beneficial. Or you will seek out the closest food source and drift towards it.

10. It's 7am. You've pulled an all-nighter! But this doesn't mean sleep yet, you still have a class in an hour...

By this point, congratulations! You've pulled an all-nighter but at the same time, you've f*cked up your body because you have not slept and just worked past the time. You will probably be treating everyone around you like sh*t because you're dead on the inside.

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