Everyone knows that it's hard to live with a roommate sometimes, especially when you're loud. The most trying times in ALL roommates relationships is how loud one is in the morning while one roommate has a 8 am, and the other has a 10 am. Even when the loud person tries to be quiet, it always ends up up waking up the other, so here is a list of ten things that happens when you're loud and you're getting ready in a dim room in the morning while your poor roommate is sleeping.
1. Waking up...aka hitting the snooze until your roommate yells at you and/or gives you the death glare
2. Getting dressed quietly and making more noise than normal
3. Doing your makeup... in a dim room
4. Doing your hair, and dropping your straightener and/or burning yourself/ your hair and yelling about it
5. Making breakfast without clanking pots and pans together
6. Trying to pack your bag quickly (and loudly) because you fell asleep the night before in front of the T.V, and didn't get anything ready for the day
7. Putting on your shoes, and walking around trying to get last minute things together and sounding like a T-Rex
8. Doing final mirror checks, and waking up your roommate to see if it's cute enough to leave the room in
9. Trying to find your keys and making enough noise to wake a village and not being able to find them, so you have to make your roommate get out of bed to help you find them
10. Your roommate saying "I love you, have a good day... you b*tch" before you walk out the door, and you know that no matter how annoying you are in the morning, you still love each other.
I promise I'll try harder tomorrow-- but I'll probably drop something...