We all know this particular friend group. They joke about calling each other 'Mom' (or maybe other family-related names) until it gets so serious that they feel incomplete without their friends at family dinners. This friend group may, in fact, be yours. And while this nickname starts out casually, the obsession with this phenomenon spirals out of control. Without further ado, here are the stages of friends who call each other 'Mom'.
1. You call your friends 'Mom' as a joke.
It's fun to call your friends Mom! You creep them out at first, until they realize it's just all about your admiration for them. Plus, it confuses everyone.
2. It increases to a daily occurrence.
It's constant - normal, even. You often find yourself saying, "Bye Mom!" when you leave them.
3. Your other friends jump in on the action.
Soon, everyone's calling each other "Mom", in an endearing and friendly way. You've started something.
4. It becomes a habit.
You now sign your e-mails "Love, Mom" and pack lunches for each of your friends. They even ask you for their allowance now and again! It's all fun and games.
5. You slowly forget the true identity of your friends.
Now, you have to call them "Mom". What else would you call them, their real names? Do you even remember their real names?
6. Your fun-loving nickname for your friends has become an unhealthy obsession, and others are concerned.
You overhear others' conversations about your behavior. You have to endure an intervention or two... but it's no big deal, right?
7. You feel uncomfortable addressing your own mother.
Is your mother even your mother?
8. You have an identity crisis yourself.
All you've been called for months now has been "Mom". Who are you, really?
9. You decide to try out something else - something that won't end up like "Mom" did. Like Dad, or brother.
...but you realize this, too, is dangerous.
10. So you know that in the end, you have to stick with 'Mom'.
...because you and your friends are family like that! Plus it's too hard to change - you're too far in, and now, everyone is Mom.