Finals week is quickly approaching and every college student goes through different stages during this trying time. Some of them wait until the last minute and feel an overwhelming sense of procrastination. Some of them actually prepare and feel a sense of confidence. But no matter what, almost all feel panic at some point, just know that you're not alone in your misery. Here are the 10 stages that every college student goes through during finals week:
1. Denial.
You know you should've started studying a little bit each night weeks ago, but you didn't because you "have so much time".
2. Procrastination.
3. Panic.
4. The need for coffee.
You purchase the coffee, you drink the coffee, you have a coffee high, and then you crash...just hopefully not before your exam.
5. Actual studying.
6. Confidence.
7. Sleep (maybe).
You HAVE to get some sleep before your exam, but you should also get some last minute studying done. Decisions, decisions.