Bid Day is over, so the next big thing of the season is the Big and Little reveal. Sorry Michael's, Target, Etsy, etc. but, your stores will be sold out of every craft item possible while Bigs are crafting away for their new Littles. The anticipation leading up to Big/Little reveal is probably the most exciting feeling you will get. Who better to show this excitement other than Jennifer Lawrence?
1. Selections are approaching.
You may know who you want or you may not, but either way it's extremely exciting.
2. Bigs find out who their spoiled Little one will be—aka let the crafting begin (and the race to get all the craft supplies).
Except Littles still have no idea
3. The Big/Little reveal. #excitement
4. Now "I love you" is said every minute because your Big (or Little) is amazing and perfect.
5. You now have a consistent partner in crime for anything, but especially consuming food. Food always wins.
6. You now officially have a designated dance partner.
You'll be ready for "Hit the Quan" no doubt.
7. Pictures, pictures, and more pictures.
8. A new wardrobe will be in tact. By this I mean you will constantly be borrowing the clothes of your new Big/Little and feeling super cool.
After all, sharing is caring.