Soraya Montenegro. Many of you may not know her, I barely do myself, but if you're a meme enthusiast just like me, you've probably seen her in the "Cries in Spanish" meme. Her character is from a famous telenovela, Maria la del Barrio, and she's pretty well-known for being, well kind of crazy. As college students, things can drive us a little crazy, so here are 10 things that make us channel our inner Soraya:
1. When the caf pulls out the good food.
You know this only happens once in a blue moon, so rack up while you can.
2. "You don't need to buy the textbook."
Then why is it on the syllabus????
3. That homework you stayed up all night doing? "Bring it in next week."
4. What your professor probably looks like as they post an assignment over night:
Not your typical good morning text but OK.
5. "Get into groups"
I don't even know these people......
6. "Can you pick up where we left off reading?"
Is this even the right book?
7. *Raises hand* "If you have any questions come to my office hours."
"why'd you have to go and make things so complicated"
8. "Your final exam is cumulative."
SOS what did we learn all semester?!?!
9. "You won't be able to do this assignment the night before"
Challenge accepted.