We all know and love her: the wonderful Kimmy Schmidt from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. The show is a two-season Netflix series with a hilarious cast and an even funnier script. After getting rescued from the bunker and moving to New York City, Kimmy gets herself into quite the topsy turvy types of situations, but she always remembers to have fun while she’s doing it. Kimmy’s inner child always shines through her personality, and her innocence makes her that much more happy-go-lucky. Here are some songs you might find on Kimmy’s summer playlist to reflect her giddy, free-spirited self.
1. California Gurls by Katy Perry feating Snoop Dogg
Then again, wouldn’t this song be on everyone’s summer playlist? Kimmy, though, would take “singing your heart out” to a new level with this one.
2. Walking On Sunshine by Katrina & The Waves
Isn’t Kimmy always walking on sunshine? During the summertime, though, she would probably be jamming to it a little harder.
3. Treasure by Bruno Mars
Kimmy would be especially excited to dance to this one, as she finds everything in life to be a little treasure. Since she finds joy even in life’s simplest of pleasures, she would be blasting this while walking around in the Big Apple.
4. I Gotta Feeling by The Black Eyed Peas
Kimmy would most definitely be playing this on the way to a night on the town—to go rollerskating, that is. Can’t you see her, Titus, and Lillian, playing this as they get ready?
5. Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice
In an effort to try and be “the cool babysitter,” Kimmy would totally play this while picking Buckley up from school. I mean, who doesn’t love this throwback song?
6. Happy by Pharrell Williams
Obviously Kimmy would have this song on her playlist! She would most definitely play it while she’s having a great day, but maybe she'd even play it when she’s feeling down in order to make herself feel better.
7. Love On Top by Beyoncé
Isn’t this everyone’s favorite pick-me-up song? I think we all can see Kimmy dancing to this in her makeshift bedroom closet one day when she has no responsibilities.
8. Shake It Off by Taylor Swift
The perfect song for her to play when something sad happens to her, like when she kissed Dong even though he’s married and then he had to let her down. If the show had more air time, I’m sure they would have shown her dancing to this song in a scene.
9. Starships by Nicki Minaj
Since this song is almost everyone’s favorite song to play on the way to the beach, thanks to its famous opening lyrics, Kimmy would love it, oo. There might not be any beaches in Manhattan, but that won’t stop Kimmy from scouting one out and cruising to this summer jam!
10. Die Young by Ke$ha
Another song that Kimmy would play on her way out with the gang. Her dance moves are killer, and combined with Titus’ and Lillian’s, they’d be quite the show-stoppers.