10 Songs That Bring Me Back to High School | The Odyssey Online
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10 Songs That Bring Me Back to High School

because we all have those songs that impacted our life

10 Songs That Bring Me Back to High School
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I've recently been going through a super nostalgic period where the only music I want to listen to is from my high school and college years: ska, punk, emo, post-hardcore, alternative, all with a little bit of pop thrown in. I was the epitome of that stereotypical Hot Topic white girl back in high school, complete with heavy black eye-liner, a plethora of "throwback"/band t-shirts, fishnets, and crazy hairstyles complete with temporary hair dye. While I have grown up (is it already time for my 10 year high school reunion?), that part of me has never died. I still wish I could dye my hair crazy colors (dang it! being a teacher means no fun colors) and I would pay an unreasonable amount of money to see My Chemical Romance re-unite to tour one last time. Given my recent surge in listening to some playlists and burned CDs, I decided I would compile a list of my top ten favorite lyrics that have implanted themselves in my brain and shaped how I view the world.

Number 1

"I am not afraid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone"

"Famous Last Words" by My Chemical Romance

With the reissue of The Black Parade hitting Apple Music and Spotify on Friday, September 23rd, for streaming, I had to include my all-time favorite My Chemical Romance song. There is something so heartbreakingly beautiful about this song, the grand finale to The Black Parade, and probably the darkest music video from the band. The reason I chose these particular lyrics is because at the end of the day, you have to make the decision to keep going. We are all responsible for our actions and how we choose to live our lives, despite whatever struggles and obstacles are thrown at us. While it is amazing to have a support system, you still need to focus on yourself and the fear of starting something, or even the fear of living, can paralyze you. You have to find that internal strength and remember that you can't let that fear swallow you whole. You're not going to feel like Superman every day, but the ones that you do feel that way are worth the fight to get there.

Number 2

"Tonight, the foxes hunt the hounds
It's all over now
Before it has begun
We've already won
We are wild
We are like young volcanoes"

"Young Volcanoes" byFall Out Boy

Technically, this song came out way after I was out of college, but I love the evolution of Fall Out Boy and how each album has its own distinct sound and vibe. Save Rock and Roll was this disjointed yet powerful album with a number of amazing collaborations. However, the star for me has always been "Young Volcanoes". This song is all about how you sometimes have to go through a bit of destruction to create something better in the end and that the world is this crazy mixed-up unpredictable place. Young volcanoes are these beautiful creations of nature, but you never know when one will explode. There they are and you think you understand, but you can never fully understand anything. And that's okay. It just perfectly describes life, all that unknown and destruction and beauty.

Number 3

"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs
Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue
If you talk you better walk you better back your shit up
With more than good hooks while you're all under the guns"

"London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines" by Panic! at the Disco

This song is basically about giving everyone the middle finger and doing what you love. Panic! talks about the music, living up to the expectations of their family and record labels, but they really just want to do what they are passionate about. You're going to have people shutting you down, left and right. At the end of the day, however, you have to do what makes you happy and what calls to you. Otherwise, your life is going to feel meaningless and unfulfilled. So, talk the talk, walk the walk, and do what makes you happy. Plus, this song is just super catchy and is constantly stuck in my head.

Number 4

"Sometimes I give myself the creeps
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me
It all keeps adding up
I think I'm cracking up
Am I just paranoid?"

"Basket Case" by Green Day

I discovered Green Day in high school via an ex-boyfriend and instantly fell in love with this song. Billie Joe Armstrong wrote this song to describe his panic attacks, prior to him having a diagnosis. Armstrong has gone on to say that "Basket Case" is for anyone who has ever felt some sort of emotional instability, but was unable to explain it. "Basket Case" became this loser national anthem [laughs]. But to say it's about panic attacks is limiting. It's about going through total confusion. I think of a song like "American Idiot" as feeling, OK, there is a lot of chaos in the world, people getting murdered. There is no way to make sense of a world like that. You feel like a victim of it. "Basket Case" is the same way." (Billie Joe Armstrong for Rolling Stone, Feb. 2014)

Number 5

"It just takes some time
Little girl, you're in the middle of the ride.
Everything, everything will be just fine,
Everything, everything will be alright, alright."

"The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World

If you haven't bounced along and sung this on the top of your lungs, you need to do so, right now. Seriously, just stop reading this, hit play, and click here for the lyrics. You'll thank me. Yes, it's written for a girl, but anyone can take the meaning away from these lyrics. Life sucks, it sucks real hard sometimes, but you've got to fight and work for happy and healthy. I stand by my belief that anything in life that is worth having takes work. Relationships, friendships, career, you name it. It all takes time, patience, and work to achieve. There will be naysayers and people who try to drag you down, but if you truly care about something and put in the effort, despite what others say, things will turn out alright.

Number 6

"And yeah yeah yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble, I'm a hell of a scandal
Me, I'm a scene, I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen"

"The Best Damn Thing" by Avril Lavigne

This is my empowerment song. Say what you want about Avril Lavigne, she hasn't aged a bit and is still having fun. I look up to that. The way she owns who she is; it's a confidence that I strive for every day. Any time I start to feel down, I throw this song on to remind myself of how awesome I am. I have my flaws: I'm stubborn, overly passionate/dramatic about things, thrive on attention, and pretty darn clumsy. But I also have these awesome qualities: I'm super loyal, love to take care of others, always there in a pinch, and supply tons of delicious food because I love to cook and bake. So yeah, I'm a handful, but I'm also pretty damn fantastic. Sometimes I need a reminder of that and this song does it.

Number 7

"I'm so lost
I'm barely here
I wish I could explain myself
But words escape me"

"Stockholm Syndrome" by blink-182

Now, this is probably one of the darker songs on my list, but one of my favorites. Back in college, after several really dark and not good months/years, I was officially diagnosed with depression. I busted my butt, and continue to do so, to remain as happy and healthy as I can be so I can live a really good life. This song speaks to me because there are times when I really struggle with words. Don't get me wrong, I am a chatty Cathy and word vomit with the best of them, but truly explaining myself and how I feel remains a struggle. Cue blink-182 with their amazing, straight to the point lyrics.

Number 8

"Well, as for now I'm gonna hear the saddest songs
And sit alone and wonder
How you're making out.
But as for me, I wish that I was anywhere with anyone
Making out."

"Screaming Infidelities" by Dashboard Confessional

The quintessential breakup song. Whether they cheated or was a mutual breakup or whatever the reason the relationship ended, it ended. And this was one of the songs that was frequently on my "Just Broke Up; I'm Sad" playlist before moving on to my "I am Woman, Hear Me Roar, I Don't Need a Man" playlist. Whenever you end a relationship, you always wonder what your worth was to that person. Do they still think about me? Do they hate me? Do they want me to be happy? And sometimes you just want to forget. I distinctly remember all my friends telling me "you need to get back on the horse" or "to get over someone, you need to get under someone new". For the record, that's not my style. I like to take the time and process and I don't ever feel right jumping into something new as a means to get over someone else; I wouldn't want someone to do that to me so I won't do it to someone else. That doesn't stop me from missing the presence of another person. Particularly the presence of someone I have cared for.

Number 9

"Wearing your black eye like a badge of honor
Soaking in sympathy
from friends who never loved you
nearly half as much as me"

"There's No "I" in Team" by Taking Back Sunday

When I went away to college, I lost a number of friends to distance. I had a close-knit group of friends throughout all of high school and, as with many things, time and distance separated us. Because I was one of the few that went away and I didn't have a car on campus, I was the first to be "voted off the island" from the group. It sucked, a lot, and as someone who is extremely loyal, it hurt, a lot. It was a lesson learned and a growing pain, but Taking Back Sunday was a band we all adored and I remember nights spent laying on a friend's driveway as we sang the lyrics together. Looking back now, I can smile and remember it in fondness, but years ago, it wasn't so great. Funny enough, this has always been my favorite song from them and talks about this exact thing.

Number 10

"Wait for..
Everything evil in you comes out"

"Everything Evil" by Coheed and Cambria

Okay, so these aren't the most eye-popping, jaw-dropping lyrics, but dang it, when this song comes on and that first line hits, I am in the zone. I've seen Coheed and Cambria several times, hung out with Claudio Sanchez at their booth a few times, and love the concept of their music and comics. Basically, I am a huge fan and this was the first song I ever heard by them. It's just creepy and powerful and beautiful. This is a concept song that goes hand-in-hand with the comic series The Amory Wars developed by Sanchez. I suggest you listen to all of their concept albums (all their albums really) and pick up the comic book series. It's mind-blowingly good. Really, I just love this song and needed to include this on my list.

And that concludes my nostalgic list of songs I really love and how they have impacted my life. If you've got a song that brings you back or one that just makes you feel, post it in the comments.

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