1. Go-To Workout Song: Bad Blood by Taylor Swift ft. Kendrick Lamar
It doesn’t matter if you hit the gym 5 times a week, no exceptions, or maybe once every 2 weeks (I’ll go after this Orange Is The New Black rerun). This is the one song that makes you feel like you could run 10 miles during its 3:35 duration.
Who doesn't love John Legend? This ones for Women who have been cheated on or left behind for the ones regretting what could have been, and for the hopefuls wishing there could have been a second chance to make things right. This one might help you take an inch closer to acceptance and moving on. But still I won’t guarantee that it wouldn’t fill up your eyes. All I have to say is long live the ugly cry.
3. Your Getting Ready to Go Out Song: This Girl by Kungs
It’s Friday night and you’ve started getting ready four hours before you’re planning on going. Of course you have three tests, an essay and a presentation on Monday, but you need to shower and do your hair and paint your nails and wax your upper lip and take off your chipped nail polish... oh and of course pre game. This song fosure will have you dancing while multitasking to get ready.
4. The Guilty Pleasure Song: I knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift
You shouldn’t, but you can’t stop. You know you love it (It’s SO catchy!). You know it's bad when play this song while curling your hair and you use the curling iron as a microphone ( Kids, don't try this at home). "I Knew You Were Trouble" was the song we wanted to hate, but soon discovered it was pretty much biologically impossible to do so. So let your inner Lizzie McGuire out!
5. Bad Bitch Song: Telephone by Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé
“You shoulda made some plans with me / You knew that I was free / And now you won’t stop calling me / I’m kinda busy." For when you need to remind yourself of just how flawless and i.n.d.e.p.e.n.d.e.n.t. you are. Lady Gaga and Beyoncé will sure make you flip your hair and snap your fingers.
6. Middle School/High School throwback song: Sk8ter Boy by Avril Lavigne
Classic line where we have jammed out with blow up guitars and all black outfit : "He was a skater boy, she said see you later boy." Avril Lavigne can make any woman a inner Rock Star. Can I get a Amen!
7. The Feel Good Song: Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran
There’s that smile. You know the song. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy and suddenly the world isn’t such a bad place after all. Especially on a rainy day, counting the rain droplets as it hits the window, imagining yourself slow dancing with your crush Yup Ed Sheeran can definitely make you feel some type of way.
8. The I CAN DO IT Motivational Song: Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell
“Don’t you know that there ain’t no mountain high enough. Ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough. To keep me from getting to you, baby”. Whatever your baby may be, it’s your goal. There may be obstacles on the way, but you can overcome them to reach that goal. So go finish your 10 page paper and prepare for your thesis defense like a STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN YOU'RE.
9. The Never-Get Old Song: Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus
I will always nod my head like, yeah, for Miley. Enough Said.
10. The SleepyTime Song: The Entire Soundtrack of Interstellar
It’s bedtime. You’re in your jammies, teeth brushed, tucked in tight, ready for sleep, but now you’re tossing and turning because you just can’t turn your brain off. Listen to interstellar soundtrack and I promise you will be snoozing in no time with your mouth open. Good night.