As we grow up we all go through different phases. From the sports we played, how we dressed, how we spoke, and the music we listened to. Some people did whatever it took to fit in, while others were seen as "outsiders". During middle school and well into high school, I went through a phase that I feel almost everyone has gone through. I went through the Emo-phase. I wore all black, and I listened to punk or alternative rock. For a lot of us, this phase also meant we would dye our hair and feel as if no one understood us. One of the most important aspects from my Emo-phase was definitely the music, so here is a list of the top 10 songs I listened too:
1. Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day
I mean honestly this song speaks for itself. For me, it completely enveloped the Emo-phase. Plus, I still know all the lyrics to the song, so it doesn't matter how old I get; I will still love this song.
2. Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
This song spoke to my soul and will continue speaking to my soul. This song is amazing, every single time it leaves me speechless.
3. Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
I mean this song perfectly explained what it was that we were all feeling at such a crazy time of our lives. My Chemical Romance understood us, and it helped me get through those years.
4. This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race by Fall Out Boy
Mind Blown. *mic drop*
5. Addicted by Simple Plan
This song spoke to me for whatever reason, I just really love the way that the guitar sounds in this song. Also it was definitely one of the songs songs that Simple Plan ever came up with.
6. American Idiot by Green Day
This song perfectly explains everything that is wrong in the Country and in the world. It is one of those songs that you can totally just rock out too.
7. Sugar, We're Goin Down by Fall Out Boy
Whenever this song comes on, I have to stop whatever I'm doing and just completely lose it.
8. I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At the Disco
Nothing but love and respect for this song.
9. Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy
One of the few songs that I could go completely crazy too. This is one of the best hits that Fall Out Boy ever made in my opinion.
10. Little Things by Good Charlotte
Good Charlotte was definitely one of the best bands out there at this point and there was no doubt that this song was a hit.
So yeah, I can't say that I completely out grew my Emo-phase, I still have a lot of love and respect for all of the songs on this list and so many more. Without a doubt, these songs are all amazing and they speak to me who have gone through an Emo-phase. Although I may not look the part anymore, there is still a little bit of an emo girl going on inside me. This is something I hope I will never lose because it is an integral part of who I am now.