10 Songs For My 10 BFFs | The Odyssey Online
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10 Songs For My 10 BFFs

A track list for my very best friends.

10 Songs For My 10 BFFs

Ahead you will find a compilation of tunes for my very best friends. Each song holds special meaning and makes me think of each one of them; music is a powerful medium of expression and it is lovely to hear, "This song reminded me of you..."

So, without further ado, here is to the best friends a girl could ask for.

1. The Apache Relay - "Katie Queen of Tennessee"

An obvious but also meaningful choice, this song reminds me of a friend of mine who is so kind and caring you feel almost unworthy of her love. She is selfless and her spirit is similar to the vibe of the song: an easy tune that holds your hand and reminds you of the beach or tranquility.

2. Twenty One Pilots - "Screen"

A sweet and seemingly upbeat tune, this song reminds me of my best friend who I am the most comfortable with and around. The song lyrics imply the singer feels broken but when he's around people he is comfortable with, he lets his guard down, similar to how I am around my best friend, similar to being at a concert of your very favorite artist and letting your walls down and feel connected to the people around you. I feel this way about my very best friend.

3. The Dear Hunter - "She's Always Singing"

For a very dear friend of mine with a voice that is unlike any I know, in the very best way. She is strong-willed and she knows who she is. Her spirit is unbreakable and unlike any other. A cheerful spirit and a giving heart, I am lucky to call her a friend.

4. Noah and the Whale - "Blue Skies"

This song is about moving on, but to me it reminds me of a friend who always gives more than they get, especially when it comes to helping other people through their hardships before helping themselves. They only want the best for people so they make sure to paint a rosy picture - "Blue skies are coming, but I know it's hard" - for anyone in need of positivity. They are a ray of light to those in need, and a great friend at all times.

5. The Orion Experience - "NYC Girl"

For the friend who was always to big for our tiny town, with big dreams and a bigger personality to match. She's a gem who we were lucky to know, and everyone knew she would end up in the city doing what she wants. Forthright and passionate, she inspires me every single day.

6. Hozier - "From Eden"

The lyric, "Honey, you're familiar/like my mirror years ago" rings true for this friend. We became close quickly but it was like we were meant to be all along, and just hadn't had the chance to until then. There is definitely something magic about her and she is just a person everyone gravitates to because of her aura. Though the lyrics can be interpreted several different ways, the tune puts this friend to mind for much simpler reasons.

7. The Walters - "Old Friend"

To one of my very oldest friends who I don't see as often, but my love for them never fades. We were closest in the early years of our high school. We drifted but their trusting nature and humor always make them easy to pick up and talk to as if no time has passed at all. The playful tune highlights their youthfulness and makes me think of them every single time I hear it.

8. Paramore - "Anklebiters"

A fast-paced, fun tune that reminds us to not please the world and leave ourselves to drop dead. This song reminds me of a friend who constantly keeps in me check when I begin to worry about what other people think of my decisions or actions. Her self-confidence radiates and infects me whenever I am around, like sunshine on cloudy days. The love she contains in her heart for herself and everyone else is inspiring.

9. The Kooks - "She Moves in Her Own Way"

A lovely tune about a girl who does her own thing, this song reminds me of a lovely friend who is kind and dear to everyone's hearts because she affects each of them differently but in the same magnitude. Her personality is unforgettable and the lightheartedness of the song captures this aspect of her.

10. William Bolton - "New York Sunshine"

A combination of my two favorite things in life: NY and sunshine. This song is for a friend who is my sunshine and brightens my days everyday whenever we talk. She has a big heart and always makes sure everyone feels comfortable by telling jokes and making people laugh. A beacon of light in my life, she is a marvelous human who lacks any and all malice.

Overall, stating songs that remind me of friends has made me feel lucky to have such a diverse group of friends who are kind, caring, and passionate. Our friendships all mean the world to me and I know that they'll last a lifetime.

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